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Total prize pool of $10,000+
All projects (22)
Objective of the Swarm-bots project is to study controlling the bot so assemble themselves, avoid obstacle and synchronization between bots.
This system was designed as a faster way to detect fires outbreaks avoiding irreversible damage to the environment and the resident famile
Track ME is a "small" GPS, SD Card, and GSM Shield controlled by an Arduino Mega. Call me and get my location.
A muscle and motion sensor controlled push bike turn and stop signalling system for safe riding at night.
I want to take an ordinary air hockey and create a simple way others to play against each other online.
A classic toaster reflow oven built around the BeagleBone green. This oven is easy to tweak due to the Python based contoller with Web UI.
Management system for rental cottage.
Make our BBG into SWD programmer by its powerful PRUSS (Progrmmable Reaitime Unit SubSystem), in order to control our bits.
BBBmini is a state of the art Linux autopilot / flightcontroller Cape for the BeagleBone. It can be used for Copter, Planes or Rovers.
Getting Started with Safe Haptic Neuroprosthesis using the Haptic Cape for BeagleBone Green
X10 modules are cheap and everywhere, in order to integrate these modules into your DIY home automation system it is nice to have a bridge.
Gato is a fabric, easy to carry toy that actually listens and responds accordingly
A device that serves as translator for travelers
Smart Pen is a pen that can recognize the user's hand writing - make calculations of numericals we write and meanings of wordings.
This is a great weekend IoT project which uses the BeagleBone Green to display Temperature Humidity inside and outside your home and more..
Amazon Alexa like device running on the Beaglebone.
Bring a building-sized digital clock to life using 129,600 independent RGB LEDs controlled by 72 BeagleBone Greens.
My country (Perú) is known for its varied climate, because in the morning sun out much but at night (early morning) starts to rain.
The control of a robot may be painful as you have to develop specific clients for each mobile device. I propose a Web based control
A little device that helps climbers to see when another climber is in danger or notify when they need someone else's help
An Internet connected device that controls servos and sends sensor (GPS/gyro/accel/compass) updates in real time over a GSM cell link.