Critical Making course at UC Berkeley : Materials Protocols and Culture.
Feel the movement through Sather Gate.
An elevator that plays music
An Anonymous Physical Transition Space of Digitial Expression for Generation Y
Wind-activated paint spinner to visualize air power released from Stanley Hall vent.
Urban 5x5x5x5x15 Project Site selection for Provocation 3: International House corner
a cart that drives you to give.
Longboard that draws on its underside using an XY-plotter based on your travels
A counterproductive suite of office products
An innovative hiking stick that helps you explore your surroundings and share your experiences with others.
an attention-grabbing platform to broadcast the news.
The company that toys with your emotions introduces its newest product: Nostalgia.
Reinventing the pedestrian experience.
ambient noise time capsule
Critical Making Spring 2014 Provocation 1
A locked jar that addresses overeating and impulse control through auditory, tactile, and social feedback.
Jam ‘n’ Bread aims to bring people back to the dinner table and make mealtime a fun and social event again.