See how to script a series of test measurements for automated testing on the ADP3450.
We help people save, time, money and lives using intelligent data analytics through IoT devices in residential and commercial properties!
A simple push button using Proximus public LPWAN connectivity. Optimized for power consumption (<30 microAmps) and long distance (>15km!).
Here you can see how an LED in FM4 kit is controlled by PSoC 4 Capsense and LED in PSoC4 kit is controlled by potentiometer of FM4 Kit.
A unique system for the identification of rainfall, which can be utilized further in futuristic applications of IoT.
Open/close light, ventilation, irrigation pumps or whatever. Old fashion, reliable via SMS remote controller w. 2-4 (and easy more) relays.
We are now moving towards complex programs and therefore in Lesson 7 we will learn to use a 7-segment display using the Arduino.
This is an automatic hand sanitizer project which we made using Arduino and an ultrasonic sensor.
This tool can control the Autran Vanguard monorail from manual to automatic, and reduce wasted time.
In this tutorial we will use Smart Robot Car, L298N DC MOTOR CONTROL module, 4ch 315mhz remote control module XD-YK04, Arduino Uno and Visui
Artificial plant with environmental monitoring
Automated system to cultivate and guarantee adequate conditions for the growth of flowers, maintaining parameters of humidity and heat.
Unlock your microPLC solutions with the Arduino Opta and the new Blues Wireless for Arduino Opta expansion module.
A sample tool to irrigate a plant by monitoring soil.
A very low cost IoT project.
Detecting chair occupancy in a room with AI on-edge
PIR-based motion detector used to sense movement. They are commonly used in burglar alarms and automatically-activated lightning systems.
Sometimes it can be helpful to exclude the Roomba robotic vacuum cleaner from certain locations. It can also be made using Arduino nano.
Using Google Assistant and Amazon Alexa, we can control our home's electronics gadgets (up to 240 v). Also with smartphone application.
This is the build of a unmanned drone for distance delivery of groceries and goods
Getting Started with a New Offline Voice Recognition Sensor
Lastleaf rescues from road accidents by sending automated SOS using Raspberry Pi, Android application, Soracom service and Internet.
A built-in Windows IoT core with the of power of both Arduino and Raspberry Pi 3 Model B.
Easily track engagement on a localized physical ad system that serves ads directly to nearby customer phones.