let's build this
In this tutorial, we will make a WIFI based notice board that can display text messages and can be changed at any time.
Magnetism in a simple door monitoring.
In this tutorial we will learn how to easily program the Otto DIY Robot to walk. Watch a demonstration video.
In this project, you'll learn how to construct your own PCB Car Arduino Module to learn about the control of robots.
Working in a cubicle where colleagues couldn't see when I was on the phone, I needed a device that lights up every time I'm on the phone.
Optimize the energy consumption by activating your appliances only when human being are present in a room.
Introducing ESP-01 S Relay Module it is a compact automation solution for controling LIghts, Fans or any appliance you desire.
Note down the body temperature with my project using Cayenne App.
It is a rental cycle or a calories burner. we can rent it for particular duration and the amount will be deducted by users digital wallet
Now automate your appliances smartly by setting the time when you want your gadget to switch on and off
Basically this system lights up your room.
This is a simple example setup to show how to hook an HC-SR04 Ultrasonic Sensor and an 1602A LCD panel up to an Esquilo Air.
In this project, we will learn how to control the speed and direction of a DC motor via I/O ports with PWM output capability, a L293D.
A simulation of a real life car parking using Arduino, Ultrasonic sensors, LCD Display and RGB LEDs.
This tutorial shows how to make a simple door prank using an Arduino board and 1Sheeld.
Proyek IoT ini menunjukkan cara membuat rumah pintar dengan Asisten Google menggunakan NodeMCU ESP8266 dan Sinric Pro.
Transform the ICP DAS PLC to seamlessly respond to commands from a Python script for operation.
The idea of this tutorial is to help users to use Kiosk in their Octoblu flows.
Never find yourself out of Whiskey with this setup that will notify you at the perfect time to hit the ABC store.
In this circuit LDR sensor determines the intensity of light. If the intensity is less, LED will be turned on or else it will be turned off.
Want to keep up with your subreddits but can't be bothered opening up your phone? This Alexa skill gives you fully voice-based interaction.
An autonomic hydroponics unit with everything you need for a full-size unit packed into a compact corner unit.
A mobile keypad with executable file to link a BLE device and computer. This is customize to the end user because of the executable diver.