Ever wanted to play with the computer that sparked the personal computer age but don't have the cash to buy an Altair? Build your own!
cpm4nano - CP/M-compatible computer based on Arduino Nano.
An entire retro gaming system inside of a SNES game cartridge!
An Arduino sketch that emulates a Commodore C64. Connect a PS/2 or USB keyboard and a TV and run simple BASIC programs!
Emulating a CBM VIC-20 with NTSC video on a standalone Arduino Nano
Replace all your remote controls with your phone and Arduino.
A real Tamagotchi emulator for Arduino UNO
An extension to my Altair 8800 simulator project, allowing it to simulate the Dazzler graphics card released by Cromemco in 1976.
Replace the inside of a PS1 Namco light gun with a microcontroller with HID support and turn into a light gun/mouse.
A self contained C.H.I.P. based Apple IIe mini computer. Runs off of a 12V drone battery. Working monitor power switch and audio.
Simulate a NeoPixel matrix of any size up to 40 x 35. It contains most of the Adafruit GFX functions and can even draw bitmaps!
This is a featured comparison of the famous TinkerCAD Arduino simulator and the free online Wokwi Arduino simulator
Tired of only being able to test pixel patterns on actual NeoPixels? Now you can use Python to view your changes and make tweaks!
Wokwi Arduino Simulator bunch of curated FastLED & NeoPixel Arduino projects - Get the code, build and enjoy all on one platform - #Arduino
A wrist watch that can (kind of) run 3 versions of Windows using the new HyperPixel 4.0 and a Pi 3B+ with voice control!
A portable NES Emulator (runs on EPS32) in an NES Controller. Up to 14 ROMs and 2.5h playtime, all for less than $25.
All questions answered in a FAQ-style for the queries for the Arduino, ESP32, embedded systems simulator topics online 🌟🤔
Ever want to play on the PlayStation 1 again, but without being restricted by the controller's length? Well this project is just for you.
This project walks through how to set up a generic project in Vitis 2021.2 to debug FPGA accelerated applications using SW & HW emulation.
Automation of a microscope Z-stage by Arduino + stepper 28BYJ48, controlled by serial dialogue, with emulated keypress after each movement.
One of the projects made by local university students it runs with ESP32-WROVER and can be programmed in the Arduino IDE
This emulator allows communication with I2C devices by sending or receiving data to/from the I2C bus through a PC.
Interacting with Atlas Scientific sensors over USB.