Track your goods anywhere and anytime with a GPS tracker sending location data over mobile network to an awesome cloud.
When it comes to bicycle safety and theft-prevention, The Wingman has your back.
Monitor what happening in the baby room when we are not present there and send an SMS to the parent when motion is Detected.
A low-cost GSM GPS tracker being built on Collaborizm.
IoT water control for irrigation of truffles. It monitors and controls amount of water in storage tanks on field.
Helps parents know the whereabouts of their children's vehicle and admin of travel agencies know the location of their cabs.
This can take you a head toward the wireless communication and the automatic control techniques that may help you start your great projects
I created a project for code development on the subject of vehicle tracking. It has a Linux computer and GSM board which includes GNSS/GPS.
This Journey can take you a head toward the wireless communication techniques that may help you start your great projects
How to make drainage. how to make smart drainage. how to create IOT drainage.
Quickstart tutorial with instructions to use an USB to Ethernet converter on NL668 OpenLinux.
This is a GSM module to call someone in elevator when elevator breaks down or crashes due to another problem.
This is a replica of PayTM Pocket sound box which you can make on your own using XIAO ESP32C3, SIM800 module and couple other components.
Navigating everyday life can be daunting and unsafe for many blind individuals. Hence, I developed this smart walking stick to help them.
Hardware (and software) notes for fast u-GSM modem integration with PocketBeagle..
Hardware (and software) notes and hints for itbrainpower. net u-GSM modem integration with BeagleBone Black..
This smart phone has been made with an LPC1768 (ARM microcontroller), Sim908 (GPS/GSM/GPRS module), 320*240 LCD and resistor touch screen...