If you have to drill a certain depth for a project, you need a bench drill with depth display. See how simple it works in this project.
One of the challenges is to get the robot to go in a straight line. Use the GY-521 module (MPU-6050 Board) to make a 2WD robotcar drive.
This project connects the ADLX345 3-Axis accelerometer to display a location on an 8x8 LED matrix using the MAX7219 LED driver chip.
In this project, we'll combine a gyroscope and NeoPixels to build a device that lights LEDs corresponding to the angle of inclination.
We're learning how to "hack" a bluetooth toy car by building a custom remote for it. using arduino and a gyroscope.
A robot capable of motion in response to our gestures.
A hand gesture-controlled car made from scrap DVD player. Hand gestures detected by gyro and Arduino-driven motor.
A gyroscope-based digital inclinometer using MPU6050/9250 and Arduino.
A useful tool to visualize at real time data of the MPU9250 sent through a COM port.
This is a Robot Car that cane be controlled by hand gestures. how fun it will be?! :)
This Robot balances itself and can also withstand the weight of glass of water! how cool is that?!
Visualizing the gyroscope data MPU6050.
Fibonacci64 Micro 40mm disc with 64 RGB LEDs driven with a XIAO BLE Sense from Seeed Studio, using the 6-axis IMU to "open & close".
Out with the tilt indicator stickers, in with proactive notifications and tracking.
Arduino Nano & 3-axis MEMS sensor (MPU-6050) takes real-time motion data and controls an orientation of virtual 3D cube in Processing IDE.
We will use our M.P.U. 6050 to control a Graphic unit or say Model Paper Plane, which is commonly known as Teapot, with our M.P.U. 6050!
An easy and interesting project in which you use a MPU6050 (Accelerometer + Gyro) sensor module to control a simple 2-axis Servo Robotic Arm
The tilt will be analyzed and shown as outputs on LEDs.
This project uses a 480x320 TFT display driven by a ST7796S controller, the touch screen is driven by a XPT2046 controller.
A friendly introduction and simple tutorial about MPU-6050 (Accelerometer + Gyro) sensor module
Ever wanted to build your own Unity game, use an accelerometer for the controller or sprinkle a bit of AI in it? Well, here's how!
Uses a gyroscope to display acceleration data in three axes on a 16x2 LCD display and through PWM on 4 RGB LEDs.
This guide provides step-by-step instructions for connecting a Unity Client to your MATRIX Creator.
In this tutorial we will implement simple accelerometer, gyroscope and temperature monitoring devices.