Compact ESP32 + LoRa board with USB power and OTA support — ideal for minimal, wireless IoT applications.
This DIY Wireless Door Sensor project allows you to monitor your doors remotely and receive alerts when a door is opened or closed.
A sleek, open-source IoT controller bridging cloud & physical devices. Wi-Fi, BLE, rotary control—customizable & built for makers!
Maker PCB Maker ST-1
After three years of work I have finally finished my automatic pill dispenser
Transfer images over Bluetooth between an Arduino and an Android phone.
Compact PCB with Atmega328P & LoRa RA-02 for wireless communication. Includes USB-UART, 3.3V regulator, and WS2812 LED.
How to control several roller shutters with inexpensive relay boards (not ruining them) with physical buttons and remotely simultaneously.
Ever asked how to control any device from any place in the world? In this tutorial, we'll learn how to control things wirelessly over WiFi.
An advanced home automation project with Arduino Uno and Bluetooth sensor to control it, anytime from anywhere.
A thermostat you won't see
You're at your Office and want to know about your home? Control your household devices and get alerts about home no matter wherever you are!
Create your own DIY virtual alike NEST thermostat to set and control the temperature of your home wherever you are from your desired device.
An indoor air quality monitoring system for detecting toxic gases.
J.A.R.V.I.S. is a personal home automation assistant for controlling electrical home appliances integrated with an augmented reality app.
This circuit measure the water level of a tank and wirelessly send it to a receiver where it is displayed using a LCD display and LEDs.
Work with AT Commands using your SIM800L module.
With Alexa Voice Service (AVS) and Alexa Home Skills we can enable this mirror to become smart. And this is just the beginning.
This will keep your rocket upright and on course!
A window that tints itself according to how much light is incident upon it. You can also control the window with an iOS application!
Control home appliances from anywhere in world using Internet. Make your home smart with Arduino and ESP8266 WiFi Module.
An electric furnace-air handler, arduino-based, controller.
The hydroMazing system manages your growing environment by making localized data-driven decisions so that you don't have to worry.
Connect your home heater to Internet and chat with it via Telegram!