This article uses the WLAN interface to send temperature and relative humidity to the home network web server.
In this article, you will learn how to run OLEDs by Arduino, and display text, images, and animations on them.
In first part, we will show DHT22 sensor's data on the OLED. In the second part, we will display iPhone, Samsung and LG's logos on OLED.
How to make a mini weather station (temperature, humity monitor) using Arduino, DHT11 sensor and Oled display
Dear friends, In this Tutorial we are going to build an Arduino powered Game. It is the classic Space trash Game!
Interfacing an OLED 128x64 display with Arduino UNO and displaying images.
Dear friends,In this Tutorial we are going to build an Arduino powered Game. It is the classic Pong Game! You can play against the co...
A straightforward project using an amazing, little IPS TFT Display with an Arduino to display some colored graphics and animations.
The DigiSpark ATtiny85 can be connected to an 128x64 OLED and use easily readable, "huge" fonts (16x32 pixels WxH)!
In this tutorial, I will be showing you how to get started with the small 0.91 and 0.96 I2C OLED displays using Arduino and NodeMCU.
Dear friends welcome to another tutorial. This is Nick from and today we are going to learn how to use this RFID Reader wit...
Build a simple incident light meter for old meterless film cameras
3D-printed Pikachu necklace with OLED display, Digispark and rechargeable battery. Custom your own animations with Arduino.
N this tutorial we will learn about the Interfacing of SSD1306 OLED Display with Raspberry Pi Pico.
This robot uses 4 Sharp IR sensors to wander around the house and avoid running into things.
Use a ratiometric linear Hall effect sensor to build simple magnetic field strength meter.
In this tutorial we will learn how to create a simple weather station using Arduino, DHT11 sensor, OLED Display and Visuino to Display the T
This badge is a DIY dev board for MicroPython. Based on ESP8266, it has a lot of features which are possible to learn and have fun with!
An exercise of connecting the ESP-12 DevKit board running nodemcu to a 4 pin I2C OLED Display.
Shows to visually impaired or ignoring the resistors colour code, lazy techs etc..., either the exact value or value in E12 or E24 series
A thermostat with an OLED capable of plugging into a USB port.
Timer to set a custom time for developing of UV sensitive PCBs with built in safety feature.
This small PCB lets you learn Morse code and communicate with friends. Set up a telegraph network in your very own home!
Uses NTP server to display day, date, time in analog and digital fashion using OLED display.