Hexabitz H1AR2 Mini USB-B-to-UART with 2x H1DR0 RS232 Serial Transceiver to controlling Delta plc SE series.
Effortlessly access and manage your Raspberry Pi from anywhere using Tailscale's secure mesh VPN.
Update the Flysky Fs-i6 Firmware from 6 channels to 10 Channels
Control a RGB LED with an IR Remote
Configuración de nodos en FIT IoT-LAB para enviar datos a AWS y visualizarlos a través de una página web
Brighten your holidays with the Smart Christmas Star—interactive, customizable, and smartphone-controlled for a magical festive touch.
It can be used to play car racing games or experience driving a real car. It can be used to drive an RC car using real controls.
I'm setting out to build the e-bike of kayaking using machine learning on the edge.
Robot Car Project, Remote Control, Voice Recognition, Computer Vision, Arduino
An add on for any 3D printer running Marlin (or similar firmware with standard GCode commands) to connect it to a smart home network.
IR Remote Control for TV & Portable Lamp, and Light Monitor with Fire Alarm by Using Blues Notecarrier-A, Cardputer and XIAO ESP32S3
You'll learn how to create a circuit to control anyone mobile robot with wheels.
I was looking for another BOT to build and then two new SBC's were announced or was it three SBC's?
The ultimate lamp.
A simple remote controller to control home appliances remotely.
In this second project we show you how to create a more sophisticated PC interface for an Arduino Uno.
The hovergames project is programmed to fly around the palm plantation and detect ripeness of fruit on the drone using colour detection.
Going out for a trip, use this device to keep your plants all well.
A standard 18W light panel was converted into a smart light that can be controlled via a simple web app.
Integration gives you the remote access to your local smart home through encrypted transactions in Robonomics blockchain.
Arduino projects with buck-boost converters! Efficiently manage voltage for innovative, energy-efficient applications.
Making a smart car kit smaller.
In this Article, we learn about How to Interfacing Relay Module with ESP32.
Made a Retro Game Controller with a different form factor.