A oneM2M-powered digital twin solution revolutionizing water network management through real-time monitoring, predictive analytics
Control 20 relays remotely using STM32 & 3.5" LCD. Employed LoRa E32 module for wireless communication. Monitor status with ease!
Capture HDMI footage remotely using a battery-powered PiKVM.
Made a compact NUMPAD project using the XIAO SAMD21 and XIAO Expansion Board.
What if I told you that with Arduino you could easily build an Arcade Stick to play your favorite games on the MISTer FPGA?
Control a 4 degrees of freedom robotic clamping arm over Wi-Fi using the TI RSLK and two MSP432s!
Heavy-duty and Swift movement from DC Motors with control from an IR Remote, and a fashionable mustache for the ladies.
Make a system by linking two obnizes that if you turn a dial (Potentiometer), you can control the harisen remotely.
In this tutorial we will learn how to control the LED brightness using the gesture sensor and arduino. Watch the video!
Faster alternative to regular BO Motors.
The Smart Parcel Box secures parcels from theft and automates the parcel delivery process
This is an "Internet Hardware Watchdog" that reboots the WiFi router whenever something silly happens to it.
A short introduction on how to utilize the.NET Aspire framework on a Raspberry Pi.
How to transfer long string of information instead of the using char/bytes. Using a master slave arudino or nano set up to use more pins.
Raspberry Pi 3, 4 & 5 diagnosis and 1st aid: IS EVERYTHING OK? CHECK IT ALL PROGRAMMATICALLY!
By using the cheapest esp32 boards, we can have a serial console to recover a remote Raspberry instead of using a more expensive KVM.
A project to send a snapshot of the data from a Victron MPPT Charge Controller via SMS to a mobile phone
This case study demonstrates how to enhance the grasping accuracy of robotic arms using a visual system, successfully enabling a humanoid
Design a fully customizable remote-controlled car, controllable via Arduino, utilizing the components of your choice.
A simple solution to end police chases while avoiding endless debates.
My first technology project ever!!! My Github profile is at the Comment!
Old Blutooth tank converted to browser controlled WiFi based Tank. Has provisions fot taking 3 photos while streaming video as it moves.
Making an Arduino-powered vintage RC car joystick!
Bharat Pi is built to enable AI and ML workflows for the next wave of enabling 10 Billions devices world wide.