This project will show you how to use a real-time clock module (DS3231). We'll display the values on the serial monitor.
Use Python to communicate between Arduino.
This little project will show you how to use a soil moisture sensor.
We will teach you that it is possible to write only one Serial.print line to display several messages.
In this project, you can learn how to control servo motor using serial monitor.
A simple, inexpensive design for a portable Raspberry Pi computer that utilizes a Bluetooth slide-out keyboard as its base.
This little project will show you how to use a photoresistor. We'll display the analog value on the serial monitor.
This project will show you how to use temperature and hmidity (DHT11 and DHT22) sensors with an Arduino card.
This project will show you how to use joystick with serial monitor.
This project will show you how to use a rain sensor.
This project will show you how to use a big sound sensor ( KY-038 ). We'll display the values on the serial monitor.
The project is a beginner guide to interface sensors to Arduino and visualise sensor data through Processing
Build your own professional looking NFC/RFID reader to build a cloud connected application with Octoblu! Add security and ID to anything!
This project helps you to send strings from computer to your Arduino via serial port.
Control your Spotify playlist with a micro:bit on a Mac.
Using the library SoftSerial and doing the configuration of one 10-bit ADC pin.
This project we know about Serial Temperature Sensor Arduino uses the LM35 analog temperature sensor
PC application for control Arduino 10 switch via Bluetooth or serial port.
Measuring sound and analyzing data using the ELEGOO big sound sensor.
In this little project, I'll show how to use a rotary encoder.
Need to control your sensor project wireless? Then create a Wireless Serial Bridge! Stop paying your IoT Master a monthly fee!
Create the famous dino game in Arduino using OLED Display
How to configure the Omega so you can use the single onboard serial port in your C/C++ projects.
How to connect a serial port Arduino Mega 2560 R3 to an Arduino UNO R3 compatible and to an Arduino Leonardo clone.