Minimalist cars race with a strip of smart LEDs and two switches.This project has evolved and now has its own website:
Single tap, double tap, triple tap, four-tap, Hold, Single tap and hold.
What if you could do much more than just toggle your lights with this switch? N+1 principle in action!
Place a card on RFID reader and power the desktop ON/OFF.
Control appliance using a hand gesture without any microcontroller, only bare electronic components.
Digitizing household mechanical switches with CoolMOS C7. `
A DIY six-channel stereo speaker selector to share a pair of speakers between six stereo audio systems.
Use your GSM shield to control the output of Arduino through SMS messages.
An example sketch that will read a simple toggle switch reliably, irrespective of the circuit design.
A soft switch with integrated energy monitoring enabling spark-free switching for electric vehicles and drones.
When the button switch is pressed, the LED light-up. when the switch is released, the LED goes out.
This is the solid state relay which is same as sugar cube relays available in market, These SSR based on electronics switching.
The cloud switches are well known, but what happens when the local internet fails and the switch cannot connect to the internet?
A low-cost disinfectant robot that is easy to operate, help control the increase of coronavirus cases and prevent harm to others.
Proximity sensor-based proximity switches with surveillance photography
Uses IR signal to latch/unlatch a relay
I needed a switch to control my coffee machine. I found this cheap WiFi switch, and upon pulling it open, discovered it is just an ESP8266!
In this project, we have designed a touch sensor that powers LED when the test point terminals are touched with a finger.
DIY flat coils and wireless energy transfer circuit project, that works like a joule thief but with wireless capabilities!!
Try to use your Adafruit-BBIO lib. with your BeagleBone Green Gateway to limit some DC Motors and/or Stepper Motors!
Using Mongoose and some CHIPs, we made a virtual door button. Instead of a physical button to buzz staff in, they can now do it themselves.
Monitor and control the constant supply of nutrient rich salt water to ensure the health of expensive live bait fish.
Turning off my ADSL antenna automatically when I don't need it.
I needed a 5x7 LED display for a Think-a-Tron reproduction project. Unable to find one commercially I decided to make my own.