It is a sports training system for athletes, which allows to measure and increase the capacity of reaction time to stimulation, or reflexes.
An unmanned ground vehicle, compatible with multi micro control. [OSHW] SA000001 | Certified open source hardware |
Hacking two cheap HC-SR04 ultrasonic distance sensors and a launchpad to create a spread spectrum phased array Sonar.
Mapping a room needs more processing so I used a basic ultrasonic sensor, connected it with a servo and plotted them.
Obstacle distance is measured using ultrasonic sensor and Arduino. The data is processed using Processing and the distance is marked.
A prototype of robot that can disinfect surfaces using UV-C rays and automatically turns off if it detects human motion.
If you have this car, you will be able to avoid obstacles and follow the necessary lines to reach your destination and protect the distances
Automated parking system using RFID and Ultrasonic sensors.
Our project is a radar gun, a piece of equipment often used by police officers to measure the speed of moving objects with high accuracy.
PiArm is based on DIY Raspberry Pi robot Arm outfitted with 6-axis digital computerized servo motors and 6 degrees of freedom.
To prevent corona spread social distancing must be followed. this bot will help us doing that job perfectly.
Measuring Distance using Ultrasonic Sensor With NI LabVIEW MyRIO FPGA.
This uses AMG8833 and HC-SR04 to measure temperature and give an output to Alexa, AWS DynamoDB, 1.44" TFT and LCD with a NodeMcu.
Using an HC-SR04 ultrasonic sensor with PIC18F45K22 MCU - 32MHz oscillator to measure CM and display binary.
This project is to modify your vehicle into an IoT vehicle and also provide you with a virtual travelling partner who keeps an eye on you
How to make a digital scale using ultrasonic sensor in freeform, using an Arduino Nano and OLED display!
Receptionist drone, have a flying assistant show you the way to the lobby. Powered by Sony Spresense.
Car Parking system used Ultrasonic Distance Sensor
This is a traffic light with a treadmill and a sensor that detects if someone still crossing the road.
Control ground robots and monitor their positions in 3D.