Make a voice-activated Internet streaming radio with your Raspberry Pi and Google AIY. Can also be used to play MP3s or other audio files.
Wear helmets & speak Droid to each other! Everyone hears droid "language" but wearers of the helmets hear each others' actual voice instead!
I am going to show how to use Amazon Echo to control IoT devices via HTTP protocol. Turning on/off a light bulb is an example.
An Arduino robot that can be controlled using speech or voice!
Billy Bass and Alexa combine in this project to form a full bodied virtual assistant.
Windows 10 IoT Core Speech Synthesis on Raspberry Pi
In this tutorial I am showing how you can control 3 RGB LEDs using your voice command.
Smart mirror & Android remote with voice/face recognition, light/window/boiler control, security control, and multimedia station with news.
Get full voice control over your Hue lights: recall and save scenes, set timers and alarms, change colors, and trigger dynamic effects!
The tank that will follow you and serve you beer. Coolness is over 9000!
This project that enables you to unleash the full potential of a ChatGPT-like Large Language Model (LLM) on NVIDIA Jetson boards.
Instructions on how to setup a hands-free Alexa on a Raspberry Pi using AVS, a Node.js server, LWA, and 3rd party Wake Word Engines.
Ask Alexa to make a cocktail you want. Recipes are included in PHPoC script.
Romantic and Technical welcome to my wife powered by Particle Core.
l built a DIY Google AI Assistant using a Raspberry Pi, USB Speaker and USB microphone.
WiFi connected smart lamp built with an open message protocol. Control the lamp any way you can imagine.
Fed up of getting up to close the door? Want to be able to close the door by talking to the room? If you answered yes then read on!
A sassy virtual assistant, with Wolfram API access and real-world control
One thing that I've noted biking indoors is that you sweat a lot, therefore you need a good fan cooler and better if it's a smart one!
Learn how to use Edge Impulse's TinyML platform to gather data, train a model, and deploy it to a device of your choice.
Order Coffee with your voice!
A voice controlled, arduino101 based mobile robot.
We are showing voice control home automation system to control appliances with own voice command an Android app IoTBoys.
Warn users of the direction you are going to take, just by saying left! or right!