Simple Home control device using Bluetooth and Android.
Turn ON/OFF TV using Alexa.
The TinyML Wake Word demo on the Raspberry Pi Pico. A less than $10 wake word!
Trigger Google Assistant SDK on RPi using ultrasonic sensor HC-SR04 on Raspberry Pi.
In this tutorial, we will cover how to build an audio-visual face mask detection system using M5Stack UnitV2 and Core2 developments boards.
How to make an IoT-based Smart Home with Arduino IoT Cloud & Alexa using NodeMCU ESP8266 to control 4 home appliances with voice commands.
This demo shows embedded ML voice controlling animation screen display and an interesting toy by XIAO nRF52840 Sense boards.
The M5Stick-V is an AIOT (AI + IOT) camera with machine vision capabilities.
SiriControl is an open source python framework, which developers can extend to add Siri voice control to any project.
Here is a demo of voice-controlled home automation using Amazon Alexa and PubNub data stream network.
This project will help the students who are preparing for any linguistic exam, where they can be trained by interacting with Snips AI.
Speech-recognition, LLM and text-to-speech and a 6-axis manipulator combine to make a fully-interactive GLaDOS from Portal!
Control your lighting and other appliances from your smartphone using Blynk app and voice control using google assistant IFTT webhook.
Learn to control an LED's intensity using LDR and controlling buzzer with Google Assistant and IFTTT.
The unit developed here makes your appliances like TV, amplifier, CD and DVD players control with voice commands using Alexa and Arduino.
Walabot keeps a close eye on the laundry basket to let you know how quickly it is filling and how many light and dark loads there are.
BrowserHelp allows full voice control of your Chrome browser! Open any link, search with Google, scroll, and more
The World's Easiest GPT-like Voice Assistant uses an open-source LLM to respond to verbal requests, and it runs 100% locally on a RasPi 4.
The IR Remote Hacker imagines that you can control all remote-controlled electronic devices by voice and also with a mobile application.
Make a car that can be controlled by solely by voice!
A continuation of our guide: Rhasspy Voice Assistant on MATRIX Voice and MATRIX Creator. Set MATRIX LEDs with a private voice assistant!
SimAr stands for Semi-Intelligent Multifunctional Robot SimAr is a humanoid robot which is designed to unleash the secrets Of the robotic.
Control the motion of a car with speech commands using voice control and Bluetooth modules.
By creating a custom skill for Alexa and using an Octoblu Flow, you can easily make your Alexa turn on your lights or get your followers.