In the first example, we will send “Hello world” command to blink the LED. In the second example, we will do bidirectional communication.
This wirelessly controlled robot car uses gesture: tilt/orientation of hand to drive forward, backward, left or right.
Learn programming ESP8266 with Arduino Boards. Installing ESP8266 board to Arduino Boards manager and uploading sample program to ESP-01.
Long Range and Mesh: what do you want more! An easy step by step guide ( with ready made boards )? Let's go!
This explains how to control devices using wireless transceiver module NRF24L01. The same can be modified as wireless sensor project.
This project will show you how to transmit variables to control a servo motor.
Setting up Raspberry Pi without HDMI cable or Ethernet Cable
With this simple Arduino project you can feed your pet using a remote control.
In this tutorial discuss about the changing the name of Bluetooth module HC - 05 to any name.
There are a lot of cheap audio bluetooth IC available in cheap these days. I got a bunch of them and here is my project.
We make several projects on various platforms and we always need the codes of any appliance, console, etc just by using an Arduino.
In this IoT project, an LED light can be controlled wirelessly from a simple html page. This project is for all students, doers or makers.
Keep unwanted visitors off your premises without relying on WiFi, and get a text message whenever a threat has presented itself!
Re-fresh your old perfectly working printer to enjoy the benefits of wireless printing!
In this project text is transmitted between two arduinos by using a LED and a LDR.
This is a project that will show you how to create a Wi-Fi controlled RC Car that will recharge wirelessly while it is parked.
No breadboards, no programming, no complicated wiring. Just works. Wireless, low-power design running for years on batteries.
Arduino-Android car controlled via Bluetooth module.
A detailed protip for the Selfie Remote project made on the
Using a 3D magnetic sensor and an electromagnet, this project enables you to transfer data via magnetic fields.
Make receiver for Oregon thermo-hygro sensor.
Press 'Power' to switch everything ON/OFF. Press '1' for the fan and '2' for the lights.
A wearable, sensor-packed ESP32 IoT device with TFT display.
An ultra-low power, battery-operated recycling bin to showcase a perfect smart city IoT solution using mcThings, SIGFOX and Ubidots!