Build a 2.4GHz wireless network analyzer that doubles as a Long Range (LoRa) transceiver to dispatch independent wireless commands.
Experience the power of the ESP32's Bluetooth Low Energy capabilities with Arduino IDE and build your own custom Android app to control it!
This project takes you through all the steps required to get your RAK831 LoRa Gateway module up and running with WiFi as the backhaul.
Secure your house by implementing this handy automatic door management system.
This tutorial will help you to replace other transceiver modules for any other project that includes wireless communication.
A smart home solution to all your separated "smart" devices that you can host yourself, customize, and add functionality to.
Make your old thermostat smart again with this $5 device!
A tropical island is a true paradise on earth... but an 'isolated' network may be less than ideal.
Building a wireless, battery-powered GPS tracker using a Helium Atom, Arduino Zero, Azure IoT Hub, and Power BI.
This Valentine's Day, spread love wirelessly.
DIY LoRaWAN gateway with support The Thing Networks and Helium.
Relive your childhood memories with the new and better Tetris!
Express your love as a RAKstar
This powerful cellular shield can easily turn your project into a full-fledged phone with voice, SMS, LTE data, GPS, and more!
Need a quick way to monitor the soil moisture level of your favorite fern? Look no further. We have the answer.
Make your own Radio Controller for your Drone using Arduino and NRF24L01 modules.
This completely open-source LTE shield for Arduino uses the latest and greatest CAT-M NB-IoT technology optimized for low-power IoT devices!
Awesome ESP32-based smartwatch with environmental sensors and a laser that can control all of your other projects remotely.
This post will take you through a step by step instruction on how to use the Rakwireless RAK811 lora module with Arduino
Build an "invisibe" expression pedal for your guitar with MCP41010 and Arduino Nano. It's awesome and simple. May the funk be with you.
A robotic arm that can be wirelessly controlled with a glove that contains IMU and flex sensors.
An internet-connected camera which has WiFi on board and is so small that it fits in a matchbox.
Designed for Industry 4.0, but suitable for smart home too. Features WiFi control, current measuring, PWM, soft start / stop and safety.
When out of cell range, you need a watch that lasts more then 24 hours and can radio for help. Pebble Time with SurvivalStrap is here.