An ultra-low power, battery-operated recycling bin to showcase a perfect smart city IoT solution using mcThings, SIGFOX and Ubidots!
When out of cell range, you need a watch that lasts more then 24 hours and can radio for help. Pebble Time with SurvivalStrap is here.
When it comes to bicycle safety and theft-prevention, The Wingman has your back.
How to prevent forest from burning? A small Sigfox signal can prevent natural disasters. We will use an Arduino MKRFOX + a flame detector.
This tutorial will take you through the steps to get your RAK Wireless 831 Lora concentrator board up and running on the RPi Zero W.
NodeMCU (ESP12) WiFi module send sensors data to ,,
How to set up a wireless sensor network with off-the-shelf hardware.
Professional quality wireless weather station.
A suit of wirelessly interconnected devices to help administer Alzheimer's light therapy to patients.
This project utilizes IR, or infrared wireless communication technology, to build a wireless keyboard.
This project will show you how to communicate using 433MHz modules.
Visualize Wireless Sensor data using Google Chart on custom made webpage
This project allows you to control an AR Parrot Drone with Java software.
DIY Helium Light Hotspot replicating a real miner using the Dragino gateway or other. You might be able to mine Helium coins with this setup
We will be interfacing the high powered E32 1 Watt LoRa module from eByte with an ESP32, the same method is used for an Arduino or ESP8266.
A small wireless ornament that can play YouTube videos on your tree!
If you are looking for the definitive guide to start with WisBlock Kit, here it is. Doesn’t matter if you are a beginner or a pro!
Transmit temperature readings via two nRF24L01 transceiver modules using an Arduino Nano and a TTGO T-Display and upload to Thingspeak.
Coin-cell operated, wireless IoT soil moisture sensor using mcThings! Alerts, status levels, temperature!
Wireless wearable device that allows you to get a risk index of your daily exposure to potentially dangerous environments.
Motion & Human Presence Sensing with Ultra Low Power Consumption and Bluetooth Low Energy Connectivity
Easy way to unlock and Lock door with Blynk app. Also, I will add code for to Lock & Unlock door by RFID and fingerprint sensor. 3 in 1.
iNap Malinka is a Raspberry based handheld with the NRF24L01+PA+LNA radio module, running RetroPie!
Xbox Controller Controlled RC-car