FreshBox uses LED UV lights to kill viruses off the food packets, parcels, vegetables, masks, phone & literally for any items!
The purpose of the project is to design and manufacture a wireless automatic guitar tuner.
Wireless control of your planet-destroying uber-weapon. No fatal flaws that can be exploited by rebel forces in this one!
Easily get started with LoRa Radios without much wiring. This is possible by using stackable modules from DFRobot.
Cut the cord and play retro games on your couch with an Arduino and nRF24 radios.
A simple demo.
This project covers how to control Sonoff from any webpage. No mobile application needed to control the appliance. Let's get started.
How to connect Sony Spresense board with The Things Network using LoRa.
Musical eggs that make visual art!
Analyze foot traffic across a wide range of environments by embedding pressure sensors in flooring or rugs. Helium makes it portable!
Current sprinkler systems leave much to be desired, so we've designed a sprinkler system that works smarter and saves water!
Use a pair of packet radios to draw and then send pictures between the two devices without WiFi or Bluetooth.
Control servos/motors connected to an Arduino robot arm kit using a Raspberry Pi, Python, and an Xbox 360 controller.
Heavy duty robot car base operating at 12V DC. Using speed controllers and a Raspberry Pi to handle communication and control.
The Station Edition series is a compact Lora device with 3W high power PA.
Measuring temp and humidity data using NCD temperature and humidity sensor, ESP32, and ThingSpeak. Also, send data to Google Sheet.
The objective of this project is to develop a home automation system using NodeMCU board with Internet being remotely controlled by mobile.
The "Zerynth IoT Notes Printer" tries to create a handable medium for everyday communication.
From secure LoRaWAN node based on Trusted Objects-Avnet TO136 SE to AWS IoT, using STM32 Nucleo board, Kerlink gateway & Actility servers.
The helium network is where you can mine cryptocurrency and use the LoRaWAN network with great area coverage for cheap! Excited?
This is a GPS tracker which displays all the positional data on the OLED display. A button helps the user to interact with a UI on the OLED.
This project helps you kill viruses by making sure you really wash your hands for 20 seconds - and keep up the habit.
Multi-hop LoRa® based modem devices allow instant long-range connectivity for digital sensors. Configuration-free installation.
Need to control your sensor project wireless? Then create a Wireless Serial Bridge! Stop paying your IoT Master a monthly fee!