It uses the NRF24L01 Wireless Module to transmit speed control data and the Hall Sensor to detect the real rotate speed.
An IOT appliance controller using NodeMCU.
What is a wireless mesh without ota support...
The best and one of a kind LoRa & Microcontroller single-chip solution, the ASR6601. The chip is LoRaWAN Helium compatible!
This tutorial takes you through the intricacies of setting up your RAK811 Lora node to talk to AWS ioT via the TTN LoRaWAN network
This projects shows how to integrate you LoRa up/down link messages to and from the RAK811 LoRa node into actionable workflow on Node-RED.
Creating email alerts of NCD Wireless Temperature and Humidity Sensor with Node-RED.
This tutorial shows you how to fully set up a sender and receiver consisting of RA-02 and ESP8266, and send multiple integers, and strings!
Build a complete indoor asset tracking IoT solution using the Blues Wireless Notecard, an ESP32 host MCU, the Notecarrier-F, and Datacake.
LASER tank controlled by a PS2 wireless controller and you "fire" the LASER turret remotely too.
Make your own motor driver shield PCB for an Arduino Pro Mini using an Arduino Pro Mini.
Control servo remotely over Wi-Fi with rotary encoder - Quick and Easy!
Here, I am explaining you How to Control your lights, fans or other things using Mobile Phone over Bluetooth. Come Let's See
This project shows you how to build your own Amazon Alexa-powered wireless speakers. "Alexa, tell me a joke."
How to control Hubsan X4 from Android or iOS, easily!
In this simple tutorial we will learn how to turn ON/OFF 4 LEDs with a 433MHz RF Remote and Arduino. Watch the Video!
NanoVNA is a useful tool in telling if an antenna is a good one or not. We maximize our range and hence rewards by using the best antenna!
In this tutorial, we are going to build an IoT-based Color Sorting Machine using NodeMCU-ESP8266, TCS3200 Color Sensor, and two Servo Motors
To prevent corona spread social distancing must be followed. this bot will help us doing that job perfectly.
Arduino based wireless dual-motor driver board, it has an nRF24L01 transceiver module, dual L293D motor driver and an Arduino Nano V3
How to setup a Raspberry Pi without keyboard, external monitor, mouse, power adapter and Ethernet cable?
How to build your own smart street light network with off-the-shelf hardware and the Thingsquare platform.
Send data from one Arduino to another using the NRF24L01 module. In this project we are gong to send Random Integer number from 100 to 1000
We will explain how to install and use VNC Viewer on your Raspberry Pi. It will allow you to see your Raspberry Pi's desktop remotely.