How to connect remote control 4 channel 2262 2272 to the Arduino and control electrical plugs.
Drip is a low-cost, efficient precision irrigation system that was designed to service the needs of farmers in developing nations.
This tutorial will take you through the steps required to get started on the WisCAM Linux Camera module from RAK Wireless.
Windows 10 IoT Core on RPI based LoRa field gateway which enables cheap n cheerful sensor nodes to upload telemetry to Azure IoT Hubs.
A mini, cheap and over featured wireless chip. But I failed this time, let's try some thing with another JL series BT IC.
Normally 433MHz sockets cannot be controlled by the voice assistant. This project shows a workaround for that.
Wireless time synch for devices, no internet connection needed.
A wearable wireless MIDI controller.
KORUZA is a low cost, open source and open hardware, wireless optical communication system.
This project aims at delivering a user space driver for the wonderful RAK 811 868 mhz Lora Node for the Android Things platform.
I work a lot in my garage or in the garden, so it happens pretty often that I just don't hear my doorbell. So I made a smart one.
Magia Transformo is a playful physical experience with digital augmentations.
You'll learn how to construct an airsoft bomb with Arduino.
Human-computer interface project to control a robot car by voice commands to a mobile app.
Wireless data transmission with NRF24L01
A robot arm that uses the Dynamixel Arduino servo shield by a BLE connection thru an ESP32 and an Adafruit joystick bonnet.
Build your own Arduino wireless robot using an HC12 wireless module. Complete codes, circuits and design.
In this, we will analyze temperature and humidity sensor data by creating a mail alert using AWS IoT.
A complete wire quiz buzzer system for 4 players using nRF24L01 radios with included TP4056 based battery charger and sound effects
It measures Voltage, Current, Power, Power Factor and Energy, and at the same time, tells you which appliance is connected, cloud monitored.
Push your buttons - hundreds of them!
This is a Windows 10 IoT Core project on the Raspberry Pi 2/3, coded by C#. You can use this module to send and receive data.
DIY design for making bone conduction glasses to listen to music.
In this tutorial, I will show you how I build an Arduino based RC Airplane.