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Total prize pool of $9,000+
All projects (93)
Conserve peatlands by predicting early sign of drying, drought or fire using ML on the edge using SensiML, Ubidots and Helium [SOLAR POWER]
Monitoring for suboptimal production processes and future equipment faults/failure allows manufacturers to schedule maintenance effectively.
A huge Nanoleaf like device made from soldering 12 PCBs each contains 7 WS2812B LEDs and anESP12F
Made a twist on good old Nanoleaf project with WS2812B RGB LEDs and Attiny85!
Minimal SMT Hotplate from Cloth Iron's Element, OLED Displays the temperature of Iron via a 10K thermistor, pretty simple stuff yo
An ESP8866 Based RGB LAMP made from a custom WS2812B PCB and ESP12F Module (RGBLAMP. io is just a fancy name)
Gamepad Made from Arduino Pro Micro and Custom PCB to play all types of games, from Retro to triple-A titles.
Made a Self Balancing Robot with 3D Printed parts and MPU6050
Made a face mask with PCBs and added WS2812B LEDs with ESP8266 on it.
Made an ARDUBOY Clone by editing a previously made PCB for a different project.
WS2812B LED embedded Glasses!
This project enables the ease of access to use the electronic appliances of home like TV, Microwave oven etc just by voice command
Real-time visibility and control of water, Nitrogen-Phosphorus-Potassium - from any where an Internet of Things (IoT) based system.
A low cost easy to re-make UVC Sterilizer for sterilizing medical equipment and stuff.
Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 was another reminder that planes do go missing. Well, I'm not taking any chances with Blondie!
This a monitoring solution based on garmin watch, that can monitoring and send alerts if appears a problem ir a real time or per day.
In view of current pandemic, ventilators are designed to keep oxygen in the lungs and to remove carbon dioxide.
A completely 3D Printed Studio Light with Custom PCB which is powered by two LED Driver ICs. No microcontroller has been used in this setup!
A Robotic frontline warrior to limit medical personnel contact with COVID patients
An AI-enabled, cloud-connected COVID 19 Contact tracer
Raspberry Pi Zero Based Handheld Gaming Console. Display works on composite PAL hence the name PALPi
My younger brother and sister, have to take medication every day. I figured I could spice it up a bit by creating my own dispenser.
Scan the leaves of a plant with an Arduino Nano 33 BLE Sense and train a model to detect if it's diseased.