This article explains Burglar Alarms with a PIR Motion Sensor.
Easy water tank overflow alarm system in cheap price and also try your own at home
Display the level of Risk. It make different type of Alerting Sound based on Distance It Bright different type of LED based on Distance
Make an alarm clock that will only stop once the light is on and the button is pressed using an Arduino Nano.
A proximity detecting burglar alarm system.
Pings a URL and causes an alarm light to flash if the status code is not 200.
In our house, we have two teenagers and 1.5 bathrooms. They both like to spend a very long time taking showers and getting ready...
Want to get notified before your mom storms into your room? I will help you with this project using a 1Sheeld.
A simple to build and easy-to-use web-based dashboard display with programmable intelligent alarm notifications based on your plant’s health
Make your own alarm clock to wake you up in the morning.
It will calculate the distance of the object detected in the serial monitor.
Alarm with transistors. You can use arduino as Power adapter.
Don't you think today's alarm clocks are too convenient to avoid?This clock that I designed makes you get out of your bed just to stop it.
RFID Employee Card Scanner and Improved Systems by using PIR sensor.
An alarm clock that gets the local weather and time and shows them on a cool, translucent display.
A low cost, simple to customise and program lone worker monitor or fall alarm.
You will learn how to create a telegram bot to generate a gas leak alarm in your kitchen.
In this electronic project, I am going to show you how to make a simple fire alarm circuit using lm358 ic
In this project, the GreenPAK™ IC is used in the design of a carbon monoxide detector.
Ever want to just stay in your warm bed on those cold, dreary autumn mornings? Now you can!
Battery-powered, ESP8266-based Alarm Cube warns when there is no water pressure in the main water pipe or electricity!
Learn how to build a battery level indicator that will trigger an alarm if the voltage drops too low.
This is a timer that counts down the time, then sounds an alarm and flashes lights when time runs out.
Home Security at the touch of your fingers! Get notifications when your house door is opened.