Raspberry Pi PICO 2 Powered TEMP GUN based around the GY-906 Infrared Temp Module.
A handheld game console based around the Raspberry Pi PICO 2 combined with the Waveshare RGB-Matrix-P3.
A reference guide for installing the 2024.2 version AMD FPGA toolset on Ubuntu.
Pedro 2.0 is a fully open-source project, designed to be accessible and customizable for everyone.
Our group designed and developed a firefighting and rescue robot.
An Arduino Uno autopilot drone with multiple sensors and a wireless camera controlled by two microcontrollers.
Learn how to update the streaming firmware on the PSoC™ 6 AI Eval Kit, to take advantage of the latest protocol and sensor support.
Get your first project up and running in minutes - learn the basics of the Arduino library & run your Qduino Mini on battery power for days
The hardware and software that we need to run Windows 10 IoT Core on Raspberry Pi 3 Model B+.
A general tutorial on installing Arduino bootloader on ATmega8 AVR microcontroller and programming it using Arduino IDE.
Generates maps based on distance between itself and obstacles autonomously and provides visual feedback.
Full Fledged Attendance system which will prompt a free message on user mobile when his attendance will be marked using RFID Tag.
A robo which follows an object of uniform color using Computer Vision.
Costs around $120 USD (incredibly cheap compared to competitors) and uses easy-to-find components.
Create the advanced robot of your dreams.
Digital and binary Clock using Arduino, RTC, two LED matrix, operating in 4 different modes (AM-PM / 24 HS / 02 types of fonts).
Arduino & Rapberry Pi based chess computer that uses Stockfish ,recognises piece positions using reed switches and signals its move
Bring Teddy Ruxpin back to life, but on your own terms! Make him say whatever you want, or have him search twitter to read tweets!
Digital clock with Arduino using Shift Register (74HC595), real time clock, temperature and humidity sensor and 7 Segments display.
A story on how we were able to embed part of the existing Sniffle project into the CatSniffer and talk to it using the RP2040 onboard.
Making Garbage Collection System smart and cloud linked. Thus, helping in optimization of route for garbage collection; saving fuel.
Great introduction to MIPI CSI2. Lattice Crosslink FPGA is programmed to imitate an IMX219 image sensor and transmit images to Jetson Nano.
A step-by-step tutorial for interfacing an IMU (Inertial Measurement Unit) sensor with an Arduino and reading the Yaw, Pitch & Roll values.