Voice Messaging using Particle Core, GSM Breakout Board and Emic2 TTS Module
Interactive Voice Response system using Particle Core, GSM Breakout Board, Emic2 and DTMF Decoder
I recently developed a prototype of my own Arduino based phone. Time to improve it.
Basic instructions for NL668 OpenLinux about how to prepare your environment, create, compile and run your first application.
Use your Tessel's GPRS module to trigger actions
SIM900A GSM Module & Arduino: Sending/Receiving SMS & Making Calls Using AT Commands.
I created a project for code development on the subject of vehicle tracking. It has a Linux computer and GSM board which includes GNSS/GPS.
Send SMS from your Surilli GSM to your mobile phone. Be it a weather update or your pulse rate!
How to Start Motor Bike with Phone Call (GSM based project)
How to Place Calls from A9G Board by Sending AT Commands from Raspberry Pi Pico W
This Journey can take you a head toward the wireless communication techniques that may help you start your great projects
Sample showing how to initialize Eclo Solutions SIM800H module and read location and time in C# using nanoFramework.
This starts a series of tutorials aimed at getting mbed running on the itracker board by RAK Wireless
Open/close light, ventilation, irrigation pumps or whatever. Old fashion, reliable via SMS remote controller w. 2-4 (and easy more) relays.
NB-IoT data transmission how to use BC95G modem based shields - UDP test and network status signaling.
Sample showing how to initialize Eclo Solutions SIM800H module and send a text message (SMS) in C# using nanoFramework.
Remote Read Project (shortly RRV1) reads temperature and humidity. If temperature goes below critical point, RRV1 sends SMS and make voice.
Use an u-blox C027 cellular IoT Starter Kit, to connect to the IBM Internet of Things Foundation and visualize the data in real time.
You'll learn how to create a Intruder Alert System with Arduino and 3D Printing.
How to make drainage. how to make smart drainage. how to create IOT drainage.
Quickstart tutorial with instructions to use an USB to Ethernet converter on NL668 OpenLinux.
This is a GSM module to call someone in elevator when elevator breaks down or crashes due to another problem.
A notice board that updates by sending an SMS to it.
Here's a breakout board based on the MCP2200 USB bridge.