Divine control of ESP8266 with telegram bot.
Learn how to interface the TTP223B touch sensor with an Arduino Uno.
A DIY Google Home using your Raspberry Pi.
This system monitors the moisture of soil and waters it by 5v DC motor based water pump when needed.
A connected universal remote.
The hardware and software that we need to run Windows 10 IoT Core on Raspberry Pi 3 Model B+.
A model of home security system that utilized sensors and internet to monitor the security status in real-time.
Transfer images over Bluetooth between an Arduino and an Android phone.
Program your Arduino with an Android device over Bluetooth HC05.
Yet another useless Arduino clock, but i love it.
ESP8266 is an impressive, low cost WiFi module suitable for adding WiFi functionality project.
A simple project template showing how to establish a connection between two ESP32-based devices. Works both in LAN and through the Internet.
Use Arduino to run a spectacular Christmas light show. (Both in English and Spanish, en Ingles y Español.)
Generates maps based on distance between itself and obstacles autonomously and provides visual feedback.
Full Fledged Attendance system which will prompt a free message on user mobile when his attendance will be marked using RFID Tag.
When your stuff is being taken away by a thief, Arduino makes an alert and sends a notification to you via Gmail.
Compact PCB with Atmega328P & LoRa RA-02 for wireless communication. Includes USB-UART, 3.3V regulator, and WS2812 LED.
How to control several roller shutters with inexpensive relay boards (not ruining them) with physical buttons and remotely simultaneously.
Using a Raspberry Pi 3 and a PiCam this computer vision powered sensor detects faces and sends presence data over LAN - UPNP to SmartThings.
A Home Automation system using a Raspberry Pi 2 and Windows 10 IoT Core including an App.
Log humidity, automatic irrigate, switch plant growing lamp on and voice control everything with Amazon Alexa and Arduino.
In this tutorial, you’ll learn how to use SD and micro SD cards with Arduino in a simple project to measure the environment temperature.
Sweeping frequency magnetic hard water conditioner
Secure your house by implementing this handy automatic door management system.