Whack!T is an Arduino-powered Whack-a-Mole game with pneumatic action and smart sensing, creating a unique gaming experience!
Build a word clock with just two parts. A Wemos D1 Arduino and an 8x8 RGB LED matrix.
Move, Explore & Gift it forward!
A word clock with two interchangeable 8x8 face designs, an RGB LED matrix, laser cut bamboo dovetailed enclosure and mirror acrylic faces.
A 4x4 keypad that uses mechanical switches with individually backlit keys powered by an Arduino Pro Micro.
Laser-cut snowman ornament that blinks and plays music with a custom-made PCB for easy assembly.
Build your own version of Banksy's "Self-Destruct Artwork Frame."
You'll learn how to construct your own Arduino laboratory.
"Team Laser" built the dirt-simple app that fires SLAZER, a wearable laser smartstrap accessory for Pebble Time. Lasers! Right?
A robotic vacuum made to help the elderly. We used Drawing Route for Car on the Office's Map (made by phpoc_man).
Realise your K40 laser's potential with open software for productivity and upgraded hardware for enhanced engraving and cutting quality.
In general, my project is a kind of kinetic art. It has a strong audio amplifier 5W and Arduino board, and both are made from scratch.
A 2-in-1 CNC machine with a rotary tool and a laser module. Project is Moved to arnabkumardas.com/diy-project/cnc-router-laser-engraver/
Some hints and kinks with using Benbox software with an Eleks Laser Engraver kit (such as from GearBest /Banggood).
FourFace is a capacitive touch, four player pattern-recognition game in the vein of the 80's electronic game, "Simon".
The mechanism of the project depends on the motion of many wires connected with each other...
This project introduces a functional extruder at a reasonable price, which can be affordable to the fablab community and others.
Demonstration of the second midterm project for the Central New Mexico Community College IoT Bootcamp (deepdivecoding. com/iot)
In this tutorial you'll learn how to use a laser engraver to make your own homemade printed circuit boards (PCBs).
You'll learn how to make a luxmeter with Arduino and BH1750 Module.
The work combines art and electronics. The art part makes the skeleton and consists of 11 layers of medium density fiberboard.
I found a Kickstarter for a product called "FLYTE" and I loved the design. Therefore, I tried making my own!
Improve mobility, data acquisition and establish a real-time video feed when flying drones and other unmanned aerial vehicles.
This alarm clock is an attempt to get our toddler to stay quiet in the morning while we try to continue sleeping.