This is one of the projects in our upcoming learning kit for Analog Signals and Filter Design, a great circuit to learn analog filters
I worked on designing and simulating different amplitude modulation techniques using MATLAB and Simulink.
I worked on two key components: a lab report and an individual assignment.
This tutorial shows how to generate FPGA IP cores using Vitis Model Composer, from modeling to deployment—step by step.
I designed and analyzed a multi-stage amplifier using bipolar junction transistors (BJTs).
Getting Started with Infinite-ISP, the open source image signal processor on AMD Kria KV260 AI Starter kit.
TINA allows you to run your non-NN operations e.g. matrix multiplication or if statements using any hardware that supports neural networks.
Using XADC on ZYBO Z7-20 to digitize function generator signals, transfer via DMA, and plotting in MATLAB.
Let me show how the signal processing works, The basic concept of PWM and Low pass filter can generate a signal comparable to DAC.
Learn how easy it is to make a simple scope using Nextion display with Arduino and Visuino. Watch the Video!
HIL Simulation: MATLAB to generate signal from Picoscope, digitize it using XADC(Zybo), receive it back from PS RAM, plot, and FFT in MATLAB
Introducing the Perfect Ring Oscillator Project: a groundbreaking design for precision, efficiency, and reliability in next-gen electronics!
Unlock the power of PWM! Learn how to create smooth LED brightness transitions in our project, simulating waveform signals effortlessly.
Explore our online simulation of the Simple Push-Pull Follower—a hands-on project showcasing key concepts in electronic circuits.
This module opens the door to a thousand possible applications. With little expense you enter the world of multiple acquisition at 24 bit.
The Theremino HAL connects the hardware of InOut with high-level software via USB and Slots to Windows over USB.