You will learn how to interface Ultrasonic Sensor HC-SR04 with Arduino. It can be an Ultrasonic Range Sensor or any purposes.
A touchless automatic motion sensor trash can.
UltrasonicEyes is a fun and quirky project you can place somewhere and watch as it looks at things moving around in front of it. Freaky!
A basic introduction to the low cost and accurate HC-SR04!
Let's start with the basics! 2wd obstacle avoiding robot using arduino uno.
Do you want to tighten your security? Want to know who is entering your room and capture their picture with an old smartphone and Arduino?
Make a Ultrasonic Range Detector Using Arduino and SR-04F to measure any distance without using rulers with this simple tutorial.
Interfacing ultrasonic sensor with NodeMCU and displaying the distance in the Blynk app.
This device detects the presence of your hand and automatically release a specific amount of Hand-wash / Sanitizer to your hand.
A basic robot using Arduino.
Create a burglar-tripwire with the ultrasonic sensor.
This project uses an ultrasonic sensor to "sense" if the door opens or closes.
The trashcan in our office isn't smart. No smarter than a 1 year old baby which can shout and cry to make its needs heard anyway.
Use three HC-SR04 ultrasound sensors and two battery displays to show you how close the obstacles are and from which side.
A theremin made out of two ultrasonic sensors.
A versatile & easy to use vehicle platform for hobby-grade projects: You focus on application logic and the library takes care of the rest.
Find the distance from one point to another faster!
Water Level Meter using the Ultrasonic Sensor to sense the Water Level and ESP8266-01 to send the data over WiFi.
How to get better results with HCSR04.
Who said autonomous driving was only for the premium car manufacturers? SonicDisc enables you to autonomously park like a pro for $10.
Theremino is a theremin built with an Arduino UNO and two ultrasound sensors.
Displaying distance measured by ultrasonic sensor on liquid crystal display with I2C.
Distance measurement using an Arduino and ultrasonic sensor is a very easy project for measuring shorter distances precisely.
Get close and the Arduino is happy; go away and he gets sad.