This project helps the blinds to detect obstacles in path and help them to avoid it. This project is made in our school ATL LAB.
Just a small project to demonstrate the Doppler effect using ultrasonic sound and the absolute minimum of components.
This project describes the implementation of motion trigger-able ultrasonic pest repeller.
Control a fan by getting closer to the sensor.
My study table needed a night lamp, so I designed one myself.
Bluetooth system changes screen in pc so that intruder in your room can't see what your watching
Now you can do what bat can do
Experiment with a type of sound that humans cannot make or hear. Only a minimum of hardware is required for these experiments.
Discover how to implement a digital ultrasonic distance sensor using the GreenPAK module.
Ultrasonic sensor reading, sensor data transmission by serial communication (USB), serial port reading with python, graphical interface with
A robot car that can avoid blockage has been designed in this project
Instead of camping out all Christmas Eve night, use our Sants Has Come sensor to alert you when a present has been placed under the tree!
This will alert you when the gate is open so you can go close it.
Perfect for you :D
Motion-activated ultrasonic sensor parking indicator tightly compacted onto an Elegoo Arduino Uno with a prototyping shield on top.
A parking sensor that can let drivers know when a parking lot is full or has vacancies.
A device that uses an ultrasonic sensor to detect when a cat uses the litter box, notifying the owner when it should be cleaned.
A new all in one system to help keep a healthy lifestyle for your aquatic friend.
A robot that recognize target and wall with ultrasonic sensor and charges at the target.
In this tutorial we will learn how to use Ultrasonic Sensor HC-SR04 to display the obstacle distance on the Arduino UNO R4 display.
Control hue lights and wemo switches with touchless sensor or encoder. automate with temp and humidity sensor and motion detection!
Quickly learn how to set up the new HCSR04 with RGB connected to the Arduino UNO.
If your phone, watch, house, and lights can be online, why can't your tape measure? The ADTS provides a wifi enabled measurement system.
A trash can lid that seals the garbage from the rest of the world.