A versatile & easy to use vehicle platform for hobby-grade projects: You focus on application logic and the library takes care of the rest.
Find the distance from one point to another faster!
Water Level Meter using the Ultrasonic Sensor to sense the Water Level and ESP8266-01 to send the data over WiFi.
Simple yet Effective way to Fight COVID-19 with Hand Wash and Hand Santization, without touching the Bottle!
I just levitated small objects using ultrasonic waves
This project is used to measure temperature by Infrared thermometer automatically and inform result by speaker. It also comment your result
How to get better results with HCSR04.
This project uses an ultrasonic distance sensor to create a pocket of wave interference where a small object can be levitated.
Who said autonomous driving was only for the premium car manufacturers? SonicDisc enables you to autonomously park like a pro for $10.
Theremino is a theremin built with an Arduino UNO and two ultrasound sensors.
I got my first Arduino recently, here I am gonna show you my first project which is Distance Measurement Using Ultrasonic sensors.
How to build an ultra low power LoRaWAN / The Things Network device using a MaxBotix ultrasonic sensor.
A cap used to detect and notify you if someone from behind comes closer to you in offices, grocery shops, public transport places, etc.
Sony Spresense Board + NodeMCU + Google Firebase + Android Studio
We often face the problem of water getting spilled out from our overhead water tanks. So, let us make a solution to monitor water level.
Hacking two cheap HC-SR04 ultrasonic distance sensors and a launchpad to create a spread spectrum phased array Sonar.
Displaying distance measured by ultrasonic sensor on liquid crystal display with I2C.
Distance measurement using an Arduino and ultrasonic sensor is a very easy project for measuring shorter distances precisely.
Get close and the Arduino is happy; go away and he gets sad.
An assistive belt with GPS and obstacles detector that can guide blind people.
For all of the advanced software and multitude of sensors why is it that this expensive little robot still gets stuck under beds?
Mapping a room needs more processing so I used a basic ultrasonic sensor, connected it with a servo and plotted them.
Portable range/distance detection device using an Arduino, ultrasonic sensor, and buzzer.
A system that can be used by users that allows them to view the available parking spaces through a website in huge parking lots.