Obstacle distance is measured using ultrasonic sensor and Arduino. The data is processed using Processing and the distance is marked.
I MADE A coronavirus sensor say that there was a person there behind the sensor or they were holding it once the first red light goes on.
An IoT, lucky bamboo garden that ambiently tracks and graphs your daily activity, ensuring wealth, health, and happiness!
A prototype of robot that can disinfect surfaces using UV-C rays and automatically turns off if it detects human motion.
Make your own quadruped robot with Arduino, 3D-printed, and Lego-compatible parts.
How to monitor distance using an ultrasonic HC-SR04 with ESP32 development board connected to the AskSensors IoT cloud.
Connecting a 16 bit MCU (launchpad) to Raspberry PI running Windows 10 to off load real time processing.
The street lights we are using aren't smart. Isn't it cool when a vehicle is moving on road the LED will glow automatically.
A robot that has ultrasonic sensors mounted on a basic servo to detect obstacles, swerve around them, and continue on a random path!
See how the LCD changes by your movement
Automatic hand sanitizer bottle using Arduino and Servo Motor
Detect obstacles through ultrasonic sensors and then avoid them.
A wearable badge that warns users if they encroach another user's safe social distance. Low cost and no infrastructure required to operate.
This project utilises automation to curb the spread of Corona virus #covid19.
A beginner to mid-level project utilising an inexpensive ultrasonic sensor, an Arduino and some intermediate code language.
Build a device to safely teach radioactivity or to scare your buddies.
If you have this car, you will be able to avoid obstacles and follow the necessary lines to reach your destination and protect the distances
On this project I will show you how to measure the speed of movement of an object using HC-SR04 ultrasonic sensor.
Using an ultrasonic sensor with an Arduino to measure distance in CM.
With a Windows tablet, Arduino, and HC-SR04, you can create a graphical caliper to show the distance.
Pulse High measurement (proportional to distance) of HCSR-04 (Echo pin) UltraSonic Ranging module using Timer component of PSoC 4
Arduino controlled Halloween decoration based on a project from Alexis Matelin.
The machine will sense if you donated with something and will ask you if you want to share your photo on the machine's twitter account
I built a gun that shoots out a narrow beam of ultrasonic audio. The sound can only be heard by people inside the narrow beam.