This arduino project will guide you how to make an Automatic alcohol dispenser to clean your hand
Part one of a project that will demonstrate the building of an FPGA/SoC-based hexapod robot.
Today I will show you how to make your ultrasonic levitator using an Arduino Nano.
Tracking the amount of garbage inside the bins and thus can be easily geotagged and the dump vehicle can plan its path around the city.
Have you ever wondered how to make use of an Ultrasonic Sensor, LDR Sensor or LED? Then this guide is made especially with you in mind!
Rudimentary version of the Soliton Radar from Metal Gear Solid that can detect walls and movement around the user.
This tutorial will show you how to use an HC-SR04 chip with Arduino.
With a small modification of the ultrasonic sensor module, this radar can detect multiple objects at each ping.
Display the results from the HC-SR04 ultrasonic sensor on an LCD display using 433MHz transmitter and receiver.
Automated parking system using RFID and Ultrasonic sensors.
Architectural machine for controlling a diode matrix ws2812b with 4 connected ultrasonic sensors and distance data collection in Excel.
I attempt to map the shape of my room using four HC-SR04 Ultrasonic distance sensors and a magnetic compass to measure the heading.
This is a simple and effective project for beginners using Arduino and an ultrasonic sensor. It only takes a half hour to make this project.
I have used a 1.kk flight controller along with an Arduino Nano and an ultrasonic sensor to add the feature of altitude hold.
This project will demonstrate ultrasonic sensors in action and how to use interrupts.
How to monitor the distance using an HC-SR04 ultrasonic sensor and ESP8266 NodeMCU connected to the AskSensors IoT cloud.
We can easily maintain social distancing with this circuit. It shows the distance in OLED & starts buzzer when the distance becomes low.
Ultrasonic distance sensors are affordable, accurate, and easy to use. So I integrated these sensors onto the basic RSLK by TI.
This security system aims to equip rooms with a cheap but fairly reliable system using ultrasonic sensors to detect movement.
A simple obstacle avoiding robot with 3D-printed and salvaged parts.
The device beeps when a person or object near less than one meter from you.
It's an elevator with automatic doors. The code has two FSM, one for the motor that makes it go up and down and one for the automatic door.
Node-RED is a programming tool for wiring together hardware devices and used for Internet of Things.
Year 2020, has taught us many new things. Our lifestyle has changed and we have adopted to many new and safe ways of livelihood.