Easy way to count customers.
A game where you race to accurately shift gears and control the clutch, gas, and brake to reach top speed in the quickest time!
SB Component Ltd Unveils UHF Hat For Raspberry Pi With A 1.14-Inch Lcd Display
The project signals you acoustically when you get closer to an object.
Use a remote controller to control the motion of a self-balancing Segbot.
Hey there meet the 30-40 finder, why 30-40? Well it monitors between a distance of 30 cm and 70 cm and so got a fancy name for it.
Easy ways to build HCSR With BLYNK
This machine, built around a MSP430G2ET, uses a DC motor to deal out a card when motion is detected within 4 inches of an ultrasonic sensor.
I jumped to by the limited edition Uno Mini with hopes to build a robot, but became disappointed quickly
Gesture controlled flappy bird using an ultrasonic sensor.
Every night, your doorstep is being occupied by noisy drunks. is this a good opportunity to create a complex and fun device?
Using a pan to do simple button inputs in a game.
In this tutorial we will use Arduino UNO , OLED Lcd, Ultrasonic range finder module, and Visuino to display ultrasonic range on Lcd and set
In this tutorial we are going to connect HC-SR04P module to Arduino using a serial connection & display the distance in Visuino.
Measure 30 cm and under
Teach Baby colors while feeding them nutritious foods! This is a custom game where colors are the controls!
SafeKeeper, an affordable smart safe, through which you can get alerts if someone comes in close contact with the safe.
Our Pet Feeder puts your mind at ease by ensuring that your pet is well fed while you are away from home!
Mini Apple II “surprise” machine.
This article explains how to implement an ultrasonic humidifier design with some additional features.
Take control of washing your hands with this faucet sensing system!
A daughter dad DIY project to create a simple obstacle evading self driving robot
Coding is FUN! You can make your Censor with BLYNK!
Parking Sensor using an Ultrasonic Sensor and Particle Argons.