WordPress plugin that enables any WordPress site to create Alexa skills, allowing users to consume a sites content through voice.
Add voice control via Google AIY Voice to my or your home automation; this works by sending http get requests.
“Good morning. It’s 7am. The weather in Malibu is 72 degrees with scattered clouds. The surf conditions are fair with waist-to-shoulder."
Make your Google Assistant tell you the latest departures by connecting it to the local traffic company via a Python server!
Mycroft makes the morning just a little bit less hectic!
Let people into your apartment, by shouting at your apartment.
How to play mp3 file with ESP32 by using DF Player Mini
Alexa wants to meet Cortana. Now you can run Amazon Alexa voice service in several platforms like macOS, Linux, Windows and Raspbian.
A smarter smart door than your smart door! Use the power of facial recognition and natural language technology to make a true smart door.
Building Mrs. Minutes (LOKI series) voice assistant using raspberry pi zero w and google assistant SDK.
This is VOICE based project which does automation on it own/user bases. It also has a smart security system and a voice update section.
With this Arduino source code, an “ESP32-CAM” module and the suggested circuit, make a "Spy Camera Microphone" to record video & audio.
Having some fun combining clarifai and Mycroft.ai.
Set up your MATRIX device with Snips.ai to have a voice-controlled light in your room or office!
This demo let the Windows/Phone 10 Cortana get data form the IoT device and push data to control fan
The BLElectric light (and a bit more) goes WiFi with a new microcontroller and gets a voice interface courtesy of Mycroft!
This article is dedicated to cross-compiling and deploying the PJSIP/PJSUA2 libraries to an ARM embedded system.
Qualcomm Snapdragon 210 processor with a highly integrated hardware platform ideal for a wide range of IoT devices.
Install Mycroft.AI on your MATRIX device for an open source voice assistant!
A snore-no-more device embedded in your pillow aims to help those who suffer from obstructive sleep apnea.
DFPlayer Mini Interface with Arduino and Audio Amplifier
A voice-controlled project using the EasyVR Shield with an Arduino Uno and gen4-uLCD-43DT.
Set up your MATRIX device with Snips.ai to have a voice-controlled arc reactor that pulses on command.
Use your voice commands to control BigClown programmable LED strip (Neopixel compatible) by Amazon Alexa and Raspberry Pi.