Use the FuPy project to load a RISC-V or other SoC softcore on the MATRIX Voice's Spartan-6 FPGA programmable through MicroPython.
Adding some very basic natural language generation (NLG) to the Smart Eye for Your Pi!
A programmable countdown timer with loud voice countdown and trigger for dangerous experiments like starting fireworks
A smart mirror with voice interface control via ReSpeaker. We also connect with Wio Link to control other objects! Based on Raspberry Pi.
I built an Raspberry Pi-powered Alexa device with a screen (to complement my Compost Professor project).
Get started with Particle's Photon – hugely popular for building WiFi-enabled smart homes.
Ada voice effects manager, featuring tasking, adc, dac, dma, interrupts, dsp effects and screen control as reusable components.
A system for the blind which helps them walk through the street, as and also monitors their location and sends an SOS on button press.
Play rock, paper, scissors with Mycroft and Clarifai.
Device that gives you a flash briefing of the health of your plants
Straight from Meet the Robinsons with 3D-printed spidey legs, an LED MATRIX eye, and turning towards sources of sound to intimidate!
Explore VC02: a compact, ultra-low-power module for offline voice control and IoT. Perfect for wearables, innovative smart projects!
An easy way to get a custom workout routine that you can start with voice using Rhasspy.
Alexa tell you the number of susbscriber of your YouTube channel.
Relays and Spark cores with voice commands
All-in-one stereo audio FM transmitter with RDS/RBDS data transmission capability.
Voice Messaging using Particle Core, GSM Breakout Board and Emic2 TTS Module
Set up your MATRIX device with to have a voice-controlled thermostat in your home or office!
The idea is to play a Bollywood trivia game. It will ask questions related to Bollywood and you give answers to the questions and score pts.
End-to-end walkthrough demonstrates how to create and add a custom voice AI to an STM32F411 MCU.
The explosion of microbreweries over the past twenty years has given us a fantastic array of choices. Turn Alexa into a beer expert!
A customisable & expandable interface that uses my Chatbot with additional ML based sentiment analysis with visual/audio output.
Looking for ways to get a visual representation on how your Alexa Skill is used? VoiceInsights can help do this for user and session data.
First steps towards home automation. (Setting up Bluetooth and voice controls.)