A simple obstacle avoiding robot developed on Arduino platform.
Play Tic-Tac-Toe (also known as Xs and Os) using handwritten digits recognized with the help of TinyML techniques.
Provide an easy to use HTTP framework in C for embedded systems like nano-computers (Raspberry PI, etc.), fast with small memory footprint.
This Robot can walk exercise and dance! how awesome!! :)
This Robot balances itself and can also withstand the weight of glass of water! how cool is that?!
A cool experiment to compare the results of Assembly code programmed by Human vs. Assembly generated by the ARM compiler
Blind people often face the problem of colliding to walls or obstacles. I have created a simple embedded system that help them.
Learn how to install Raspberry Pi OS and.NET 6/7 on Raspberry Pi
A cloud-based IoT system that collects virtual sensors data from RIOT-OS nodes, using MQTT-SN and MQTT protocols, and AWS IoT Core.
An ohmmeter using a Raspberry Pi and ADS1015 ADC.
Control an analog gauge using an MSP430 and some simple logic.
Set up a RIOT-OS application on real devices, connect them to The Things Network via LoRaWAN and publish the values on AWS.
"Unleash the Hidden Powers of Arduino's Char Data Type: Mastering ASCII to Int Conversion and Beyond!
A group project using machine vision and LADAR to navigate a robot around a course and pick up balls.
We program a robotic arm to perform a sequence of tasks, including navigating an obstacle course and applying a force on an egg.