This project is a WordNum clock being a hybrid of a Wordclock and a digital clock using 100 addressible RGB LED's controlled by a Microbit.
Elecrow CrowPanel is a device featuring a 1.28" Round Display (TFT) & integrated ESP32C3 chip. Develop a Smartwatch MVP!
ESP powered alarm clock with web (WiFi setup) interface, wake up light mode, multiple (recurring) alarms, triggering, messages...
A simple 8x32 LED matrix alarm clock.
Matrix clock with scrolling time, date, day of week, temp, humidity and event notifications.
Replace an unreliable cheap pressure switch with an Arduino-controlled high current relay. Ver 2 now includes an auto drain valve.
A simple connected clock and weather report using ESP8266, MAX7219 LED matrix display, and DHT11 temperature and humidity sensor.
An LCD1602 alarm clock that includes many of the other LCD1602 clocks found on maker sites.
Digital Clock with Hour/ Minute/Second Display, Alarm and Hour chime using Arduino Nano and RTC DS3231
An SKU237545 pressure sensor.
A clock that gets the date-time from multiple satellites and calculate the time zone dynamically.
An affordable and automatic system letting athletes time themselves or their peers quickly and easily.
Weather forecast clock made from a Nano, a salvaged alarm, a BME280 sensor, a DS1307 RTC, an old cell phone battery, and Nokia 5110 screen.
A bit more accurate than __TIME__.
I need to control the humidity and temperature of some carnivorous plants in the greenhouse, this requires constant temperatures and humidit
In this tutorial I will explain how to use the TIMER0 of Arduino
An artistic alarm clock that uses and array of 7-segment displays to display large digits in a unique way.
A WiFi capable smart clock and notification system (inspired by LaMetric Time) consisting of a 32x8 LED matrix and ESP8266.
An Android Things-powered clock that allows the user to actually READ the time! Control it via Nearby API or through voice commands.
Use your Arduino to create a Binary Clock and learn how to read Binary numbers.
This alarm clock and timer work without the help of a computer. All the settings can be done on the clock itself and stored in the EEPROM.
RGB LEDs triangular/hexagonal pixels matrix.
A 3D printed clock in the form of the Star Wars R2D2 droid. Featuring Internet time, Alarm, Time format and Timer with prerecorded sounds
Making a big digital wall clock using Arduino Mega 2560, 5054 LED strip, DS3231 RTC, IRFZ44N MOSFET transistor, and aluminum profile.