If the button pressed esp will reset and App mode will on. App mode will on then led will on, network is connected led will off.
This video is a demonstration of the Firmata protocol application with MT7688 MPU and Atmega32u4 MCU with Arduino bootloader.
How to Publish DHT11 Sensor Data from Raspberry Pi Pico W to Mosquitto MQTT Broker over LAN
IoT system that use MQTT to communicate. DHT sensor and LCD screen is used. The core is Ameba RTL8195 programmable by Arduino IDE.
A simple IoT project based on the MQTT using Realtek Ameba RTL8195. Data transmit is the DHT sensor realtime reading.
Monitor temperature and humidity with Adafruit IO dashboard and an ESP32 with DHT22 sensor.
In this project, we are going to construct a temperature monitoring system using DHT22.
Learn how to make a simple weather station using the Arduino UNO R4 WiFi board & Visuino to display Temperature & Humidity.
Monitor temp and hum w/Ubidots
Easy ways to make DHT With Blynk
Dapat mencari tahu suhu sebuah ruangan
In this project we are going to send data from sensors connected to magicbit which we can display visually on thingspeak.
A simple air quality sensor made of "spare parts" I had in my drawers: an Arduino Nano, a Nano base, a SeeedStudio Multichannel gas sensor.
Using the DHT22 and Particle Argon, I'll turn on a small space heater when the temperature is too cold.