Creating a series of modules allowing you to connect for the first time a PYNQ acceleration distribution network for edge devices U96.
Prototyping with FPGAs - Part 2 - Combinational Logic with Xilinx ISE on Spartan 6 FPGA
This project produces a 360 degree photo
This is a watch generating sec, min, and hour tic and showing them on tcl console thorugh vits.
This project is part of a subproject for the AMD Pervasive AI Developer Contest. We control 360° Object Detection Robot Car.
Harness the power of seamless wireless connectivity to unlock real-time video processing capabilities on the KR260.
This is an extension of the "Interfacing the TI RSLK MAX with WebFPGA for FPGA Education" project designed by Ryan, Eric, Grant, and Leith.
This project is part of a subproject for the AMD Pervasive AI Developer Contest. We process 360° Object Detect(DPU) with KR260.
RTL design walkthrough for SPI Master controller to talk to AD7303 8-bit DAC peripheral.
The gm-study-max board is an application module board for the GateMate FPGA evaluation board E1, made by Cologne Chip.
Dual-Frequency Sine Wave Generators in Vivado Simulation by Xilinx Block Memory Generator
Implement a sine wave generator on a ZCU104 board using block memory as a lookup table and clocking wizard, result demonstration with ILA
We are going to build an 8 Bit Arithmetic Logic Unit, the Heart of a computer CPU - it's surprisingly easy with a FPGA!
We interface a 16 key keypad to the Alchitry Au board and input numbers with it, posting them in decimal on the 7 segment display.
The project aims to build a flight controller for a Cessna 172p simulator using control laws on the PL of an Ultra96.
Implementation of the AES128 Algorithm on both HW and SW
We input numbers in binary with the dip switches and display them in decimal on a 4 digit 7-segment display.
The Dual Address Cosine ROM works on Discrete Cosine Transform and Quantization for dual data transfer concurrently.
Digilent_Example_Arty Z7 HDMI Input Demo
Documenting how I tried porting ML pipelines to the KR260's FPGA for counting trees on the eventual flying edge.
I made a Timer which starts from 00:00:00. This module has sub module which is one_sec generation We can count min, hour, day, year.
The gm-study-e1 board is an application module board for the GateMate FPGA evaluation board E1, made by Cologne Chip.
HIL Simulation: MATLAB to generate signal from Picoscope, digitize it using XADC(Zybo), receive it back from PS RAM, plot, and FFT in MATLAB