I built a gesture sensor that works through solid objects—no exposed optics needed. Huge upgrade for my project!
Quickstart guide to start with #NodeMCU on the #ESP8266 Thing, hacking to become a ultra-low power, solar power only driven #SENSableTHING
Using Arduino to do a communication between sensors and Windows for IOT
i2c is the most common protocol for embedded systems. Using an i2c range extender gives more flexibility in sensor placement.
Example how-to connect Adafruit Mini 8x8 LED Matrix to Raspberry Pi with Windows 10 IoT Core.
SS1306 OLED I2C nanoFramework driver for 128x64, 128x32, 64x48, 96x16
In this tutorial, we will learn how to use I2C Pins in Raspberry Pi Pico & go through the I2C Scanner Code.
LED voltmeters are a cheap source of 7 segment displays and can easily be repurposed.
All open source, no coding, remote accessible DIY automated smart irrigation.
The i2c is the easiest way to control a LCD. Here it is!
Turning ESP8266 into a #SENSableTHING using I2C sensor like the Bosch Sensortec BMP180
An Arduino Nano used as an IO expander on I2C for ESP8266. For example, add 8 digitals IO and 6 analog inputs.
Everything you need to know to control a display based on an HD44780 alphanumeric LCD controller from Android Things.
This project is a 5.1-channel, analog audio processor based on PT2322 and Arduino Nano.
Build your own Optically Isolated 8 Digital input Arduino shield, capable of accepting inputs between 3.0v and 32.0v DC
A simple modular water monitoring system for sensing pH, water level, and temperature on an I2C bus.
Uses C# and the UWP to poll a Honeywell HIH6120 for the data and then performs the math operations to the data received.
This is a walkthrough of how I implemented mali1741's fork of corax89's ESP8266 Little Game Machine using a NodeMCU and a Wii nunchuck.
This is a board to control two Nokia screens to give my robot eyes. It will be connected to the microcontroller via I2C (two Wire).
How can you control many relays with only two GPIO pins? In this project I show you how!
Sick of stuffy conference rooms and co-workers that won’t let you open the window? Here is the solution.
The HMC5883is a digital compass designed for low-field magnetic sensing. This device has a wide magnetic field range of +/-8 Oe.
In this tutorial we will learn how to make a Menu with buttons and a rotary encoder to set andstore values. Watch the Video!
I managed to use an i2c LCD1602 or LCD2004) display by development board withth STM32F103.