This project continues with driving BLDC motors on the Kria KD240 with Motor Accessory Kit using back EMF data via an accelerated kernel.
This project walks through the basics of controlling a BLDC motor using the AMD Kria™ KD240 Drives Starter kit with motor accessory pack.
This project walks through how to create a hardware design including all board peripherals for the Kria KD240 Drives Kit in Vivado 2023.2
In this project we are going to look at how we can build a Brushless DC motor control system using the ZUBoard
This project demonstrates how to use the DDS & FIR Compiler IPs with the new AMD Kria™ KD240 Drives Starter Kit to drive analog peripherals.
Closed loop universal motor control system using PID algorithm.
This project shows how I used the Kria KR260 & Edge Impulse to transform the Land Rover Defender Lego Technic kit into an autonomous robot.
FPGA are ideal for precision motor control, in this project we are going to create a simple motor control application which we can build on.
We will literally make no programming in this project to control the speed and direction of stepper motor using A4988
A DIY motorized chicken (and duck) coop door that adapts to sunrise/sunset times, and can optionally be remote-controlled.
Use Qeexo's AutoML to monitor the motor's status on a Fischertechnik robot.
Old linear stage + Old HDD case = Modern piece of test equipment
Turn your melodica into a compressed-air melodica controlled by Max and Arduino. It tries to follow the melodic contour it listens to!
Are you a writer facing a book signing? Don't worry, this machine will do it for you.
Using I2C to control a servo from MaaXBoard is simple!
How to use the MiniZed with the Vitis embedded flow for motor control applications.
This robot follows the color with Pixy2 Camera.
Make your own motor driver shield PCB for an Arduino Pro Mini using an Arduino Pro Mini.
Wire bending CNC machine with precision to make springs!
How to control motors using PWM, the MiniZed and a touchscreen controller.
A camera that only has a one-pixel sensor. It moves an APDS-9960 across two axes to create a full-color image.
Using the Arm DesignStart FPGA Cortex-M3 to control a simple wheeled robot. Also known as getting started with DesignStart FPGA & Cortex-M3.
Here's an easy six-step tutorial on how to build your own Arduino cocktail machine! It is relatively easy and cheap to build so let's begin!
Robotics are at the leading edge of Industry 4.0, AI and the Edge revolution. Let's look at how we can create an FPGA-controlled robot arm.