Mercury is an ESP8266 based development board. This tutorial explains how to setup Mercury board on Arduino IDE
Minimalist NEMA 17 robot wheeled platform using just the Arduino and Ramps 1.4. 1:8 gear ratio using printed pulley and closed GT2 belt
A quick tutorial on how the use the L298N Motor Controller with DC motors
Control a NEMA 17 stepper motor with an L293D shield via Arduino for precise, reliable movements in your projects.
A simple way to control a motor with a potentiometer and an Arduino.
In this article we discuss about how to Servo motor interface with Arduino Uno
In this tutorial, you will learn how to drive DC, stepper and servo motors using an Arduino L293D motor driver shield.
In this project, you can learn how to control servo motor using serial monitor.
This is a project controlling a motor.
Full procedure with theory explaining the concept behind a line follower robot
This project will show you how to make a robotic arm using four servos (I only focus on coding, I don't have any 3D files to share).
Learn how to make a simple line follower robot by using Arduino and very basic electronic components. It is a fully autonomous robot.
We always face the situations that we want to have full control (dimming) over an AC load such as a lamp, a motor, vacuum cleaner, etc.
This project is a template for controlling a motor through a particle photon over the cloud. It can be expanded to use more motors.
Build a line follower using an LM324N with a backup Arduino Nano.
In this project we will learn how to use step motor with code.
It shows how to use a stepper motor, an easy way to rotate a camera, sensor and many other thing.
I made this RC car with an Arduino Uno, which I control via an HC-05 Bluetooth module. The project is now in its initial state.
Disassemble an old printer (in this case a dot matrix) and drive the stepper motor(s) for linear motion or rotation. With Arduino.
CNC machine control with GRBL breakout board for Arduino Uno.
I'm not as lonely as this project would leave you to believe lol. Easy to make auto swiper for Tinder/Bumble!
Robot is an electromechanical device which is capable of reacting in some way to its environment, and take autonomous decisions or action...
Hello all, I hope you are doing good and safe. I'm here with another very cool project which you can build using some scrap/ used parts.
In this article, you will learn how to control DC, Stepper, and servo motors by Arduino and L293D.