Run Raspberry Pi on your phone with full display.
How to make a smart home project or product within a low budget using ESP8266, WEMOS D1 Mini, Relay Board, and Tuya IoT Platform.
Control an Arduino robot with a smartphone using ESP8266 (Last update: 08/06/2022).
A simple and easy to assemble car controlled via smartphone using bluetooth technology.
Keep unwanted visitors off your premises without relying on WiFi, and get a text message whenever a threat has presented itself!
Pushsafer makes it easy to send and receive push-notifications in real-time on Android, Windows 10 or iOS devices.
The "Zerynth IoT Notes Printer" tries to create a handable medium for everyday communication.
Check how to make a simple temperature and humidity sensor to monitor a room and send data to Home Assistant.
Don't let your BBC micro:bit collect dust! Here is how to use it with Blynk and Arduino IDE.
Display sensor values (DHT11 in example) on the Smartphone using Blynk App.
Create a WiFi-enabled sound detector that sends your phone notifications using Prowl and Python!
How about we connect an Arduino to our mobile browser, run Node-RED and Johnny-Five on the browser.
In this project you'll learn how to use a Shelly relay and the Arduino IoT Remote mobile app to open a door from a smartphone
This tutorial demonstrates how to control your Lego EV3 robot with buttons. There are five buttons that make this robot move.
An ultrasonic device that measures distance with Arduino and 1sheeld and Batsal with mobile and Perfa pictures on Twitter
Voice controlled car with ESP motorshield and MIT App Inventor.
Hi guys in this project I teach you how to create a small weather station using Arduino Uno and it also has Bluetooth connectivity
Control Arduino 101 LED remotely from smartphone over Bluetooth LE.
This guide describes how to measure, export and visualize sensor data on an Android device using IoTool. Valid for many different sensors.
Pressly brings back simplicity to your phone. Perform your favorite and most common actions with a simple, intuitive physical button.
This project was part of the Lane Tech HS Physical Computing Lab course. I created this project as part of the Home Automation/IoT project.
Smart LPG leak detector device which generates phone alert notification using ESP RainMaker
In this project we will look how to make Facebook home Automation using Facebook messenger. These features of Facebook can be really.......
This report introduces new smart shopping using the Mac module and a new Mac smartphone case for using smart shopping by Magconn module.