A professional-level scoreboard featuring a wireless controller, bright lights, and a loud horn.
An ATtiny85-based badge-size PCB that can display letters and numbers.
In this tutorial, you are going to learn about interfacing the button with Arduino using the Arduino digitalRead function.
A Bongilcheon High School Innovation Lab project.
This Valentine's Day, spread love wirelessly.
Create a cozy atmosphere by projecting the flickering of lifelike artificial candle lights on the wall.
Use the DFRobot 64x64 RGB matrix panel with a Raspberry Pi 3 B+ to bring a dance party with you wherever you go!
This smart stick can help blind people walk on the street safely without any help.
A glass block wall, each block fitted with a single neopixel and the whole screen driven by a Spark Core to create awesome Christmas images!
I found limited documentation on the usage of a color sensor I recently purchased, so here is my attempt to make it more simple.
LED emergency lights for use on model / toy vehicles and other projects. Uses Arduino UNO and GY-WS2812B-8 RGB LED Module from DIYmall.
This is a simple project on virtual simulation of an Arduino.
Compact LED display unit that functions as cryptocurrency ticker and doubles as a real-time YouTube subscriber counter.
In this video, I am going to use an ultrasonic sensor to calculate the car's distance from the garage wall and display it using green, blue,
LED strip controller, based on the NodeMCU, complete with a 3D printed enclosure and a PCB carrier board.
A stunning, easy-to-make hat with a programmable LED display that can show any colors, images, and animations you can fit in an 8x8 matrix.
A captivating visualization to help my daughter understand the passage of time.
Making an Infinity Gauntlet to interface with my Artificial Life project.
How to Control Raspberry Pi Camera and GPIO pins with Telegram APP via the Internet
Combine RF and an Arduino to control electronics from your Android smartphone phone.
RGB LEDs triangular/hexagonal pixels matrix.
There is no doubt that you will love this wall clock.
RGB LED backlight with audio signal visualization for room/desk backlightning...
Play tennis on a Neopixel matrix and an accelerometer with an Arduino! It's like Mario Tennis meets makers!