OLED video player.
Useful extension for a Commodore 1541 Floppy, displays status info, change settings and overwrite write protect stat.
A simple Tessel library for interacting with the original Nintendo controller
A 6502 CPU-based breadboard computer. It supports VGA output, keyboard input, and boots into a BASIC interpreter.
Use the power of Meadow to make a compact size Simon game on a half breadboard with LEDs, push buttons, and a piezo speaker.
A vintage Panasonic TNT 8-track player converted to play MP3 files triggered by RFID tags.
This FPGA ROM emulator dramatically speeds software development time on computers with ROM-based storage.
Build an adapter so vintage joysticks can be used on modern systems
The classic '70s and '80s Simon game revived on the M5Stack and created fully in UIflow.
An Intel 8085 CPU Module hardware and software fully integrated with the RC2014 (Z80) System, supporting both CP/M and Microsoft Basic.
Improved version of PS/2 keyboard and 20x4 LCD interface and drivers for the Ben Eater 6502 computer.
Don't waste your time scrolling through repeated games, you have more important things to do in life.
Put your Raspberry Pi to work: with ANAVI Play pHAT you can make it an IoT hub during the day and a retro gaming machine during the night!
See how to turn an old VIC-20 or C64 into a cool ARM-based Linux computer.
Build your own oversized game controller using conductive tape, push buttons, and a ton of LEGOs.
Improvement for a simple keyboard for a "retro" Pocket CHIP computer
I took a 1980 Bally Centaur Pinball Machine and converting it into a working and playable coffee table!
Made a Raspberry Pi Based Game controller with a Big Display and custom PCBs
I made a full sized Sol-20 reproduction, the first fully assembled microcomputer with a built-in keyboard and television output.
Squeezing the full functionality of a computer out of just a 40 keys is a lot to ask for. Challenge accepted..
Ask the world's smartest IBM PCjr anything and it will answer using the GPT-3 deep learning language model.
C64 Watch is a smartwatch inspired by the Commodore 64 that runs BASIC.
By optimizing GPIO port access we can run the 6502 at full speed (using Ben's clock) and reliably simulate memory using the Ardunio Mega.
Tessel code for connecting a NES controller / joystick