A DHT11 connected to Blynk to read data
Easy tu torial on how to send a simple text + send sensor values, here used DHT11 as example.
The device which notifies via email or SMS for any sudden change in temperature or if it goes out of the defined threshold.
An LCD1602 alarm clock that includes many of the other LCD1602 clocks found on maker sites.
Remote temperature monitor using a Bluetooth module and an NTC thermistor. An Android app made with App Inventor is used to read data.
Connect multiple Dallas 1-Wire temperature sensors. They are auto detected. Configure LoRa keys over USB serial port, no programming needed.
How to develop a simple but powerful IoT thermometer using a Zerynth-powered single-board MCU and the Zerynth App.
Automated temperature taking and attendance logging for students.
This project will show you how to use temperature and hmidity (DHT11 and DHT22) sensors with an Arduino card.
The values of t° sensors DS18B20, waterproofed DS18B20, AM2302 will be compared with micro:bit temperature sensor and standard thermometer.
In this arduino project, We use a temperature sensor LM35, to control the speed of the Servo motor.
Get an input for your Arduino from the cloud without taking care of server side.
Wirelessly Scan your temperature viewed using mobile phone thru Bluetooth. Place the device and view the temperature from a distance.
NPK Sensor, PH, EC, Moisture, Temperature Sensor RS485 Modbus
Using Serial. println(temp) to send real-time temperature to web. Optionally, we can see daily or hourly graph of temperature in real-time.
NB-IoT sensors using MQTT protocol Connected to Cloud
Display for DHT11 (temperature and humidity). Temperature: Grad Celsius and Fahrenheit (possible).
An Arduino Nano wireless weather station gathering data from DHT22 and a BME280 sensors and transmitting via nRF24L01 (2.4 GHz).
Nano 33 Sense BLE is loaded with environment monitoring sensors whose data can stream over using Bluetooth or WiFi communication protocols.
First version of basic Home Weather Station.
This project shows you how to measure Temperature and Humidity and record data on an SD-Card with an Arduino Uno and an Ethernet Shield.
BlogTut for IoT platform Firebase with I2C sensor module and Raspberry Pi.
A necklace that shows different light colors (red- green- blue) according to the current ambient temperature.
This project will show you how to make a data displaying system using a TFT screen.