A simple connected clock and weather report using ESP8266, MAX7219 LED matrix display, and DHT11 temperature and humidity sensor.
I want to show you how to make an application and connect it with the Arduino 101 platform for Internet of Things applications.
+ LCD/OLED can be used to measure body temperature or to detect movement... in Celsius and Fahrenheit!
Using MQTT, NodeMCU, DHT22, RaspberryPi and IoT MQTT Panel to monitor temperature and humidity.
This Coronavirus Doorbell will detect people with high fever outside your home.
Another clock project with 1, 2" matrix display.
How to connect DHT11 Sensor with Arduino UNO - Read Temperature and Humidity Data
A simple clock using LED matrix and RTC to display the time, date and temperature.
Build a smart mirror that will give you useful information while getting ready in the morning
This project is about control of temperature in values of 23 and 25 grades and control for hysteresis using DHT22 and Arduino 101.
Monitor the Temperature and Humidity on any internet-connected device and also upload that data to ThingSpeak IoT Analytics.
This project allows you to check temperature at home from anywhere using web browser.
How to Make Blood Oxygen & Body Temperature Measurement with MAX30102 Pulse Oximeter using Arduino
This is another inexpensive, simple, quick and informative project that I had backlogged on my desktop to publish.
Life Band monitors the health conditions of elderly up to date and provide immediate medical assistance if necessary. (needtoupdate thecode)
We love electronic and plants, so we created a hydroponic system during the "Robotics in Family" activity at the Juan de Lanuza School.
In first part, we will show DHT22 sensor's data on the OLED. In the second part, we will display iPhone, Samsung and LG's logos on OLED.
Publish your Arduino input in real-time so it can be accessible on the internet without taking care of server side.
Learn how to create a simple weather station using the DHT11 sensor and Wemos D1 Board based on ESP8266 chip with IOStash IoT PaaS.
Make a thermostat from available modules that you can control via a web browser over local WiFi.
This tutorial describes how to use the Omron D6T Thermal Sensor to detect seat occupancy by measuring temperature with the Arduino board.
WiFi weather station with sending data on line and graphical rendering of them.
We all like to know what the current room temperature is. Maybe you need to monitor the temperature in your pet Lizard's penthouse?
Control temperature for up to 8 separate processes! Cooling/heating control with humidity sensing. Based on Arduino and DS18B20/DHT22.