Sunglasses that serve an even more useful purpose than protecting the eyes of the blind. They can help them detect objects in front of them.
This project detects the various obstacles and plots them on a graph.
This project is based on Arduino radar (HC-SR04) which is digitally visualized using Processing.
I live quite close to a local river and want to monitor its water level.
This smart stick can help blind people walk on the street safely without any help.
Get an alert via email when the water level reaches a critical threshold.
Control the servo motor by using the ultrasonic sensor.
Simple yet Effective way to Fight COVID-19 with Hand Wash and Hand Santization, without touching the Bottle!
I just levitated small objects using ultrasonic waves
This project is used to measure temperature by Infrared thermometer automatically and inform result by speaker. It also comment your result
This project uses an ultrasonic distance sensor to create a pocket of wave interference where a small object can be levitated.
How to build an ultra low power LoRaWAN / The Things Network device using a MaxBotix ultrasonic sensor.
A cap used to detect and notify you if someone from behind comes closer to you in offices, grocery shops, public transport places, etc.
We often face the problem of water getting spilled out from our overhead water tanks. So, let us make a solution to monitor water level.
For all of the advanced software and multitude of sensors why is it that this expensive little robot still gets stuck under beds?
Portable range/distance detection device using an Arduino, ultrasonic sensor, and buzzer.
A system that can be used by users that allows them to view the available parking spaces through a website in huge parking lots.
An IoT, lucky bamboo garden that ambiently tracks and graphs your daily activity, ensuring wealth, health, and happiness!
Make your own quadruped robot with Arduino, 3D-printed, and Lego-compatible parts.
Connecting a 16 bit MCU (launchpad) to Raspberry PI running Windows 10 to off load real time processing.
A robot that has ultrasonic sensors mounted on a basic servo to detect obstacles, swerve around them, and continue on a random path!
See how the LCD changes by your movement
A wearable badge that warns users if they encroach another user's safe social distance. Low cost and no infrastructure required to operate.
This project utilises automation to curb the spread of Corona virus #covid19.